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What's In A Name?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Startups
From http://wep.wharton.upenn.edu 5243 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on May 24, 2010 4:17 am
What's in a name when picking one for your business. Quite a lot, say some entrepreneurs who fret over what to name their new venture during startup. Not only will the name you choose stay with you for a long time, but it will communicate much about your values and your business to customers. It will be a first impression but must also leave a lasting impression and with all of this said, here are some other thoughts from Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs Read More
Updating your website regularly gives customers and search engines a reason to keep visiting your website. What many small business owners don't understand however, is that not all content is good content. Here are 4 ways your content could be killing your website Read More
On top of that InSites Consulting has released a study on the result of a market research in January 2010. In an online survey of 2,884 consumers spread over 14 countries between the age of 18 to 55 years old, they found 13 mind-blowing facts on social media in 2010. Read More
This podcast from Barry J. Moltz looks at the trend toward remote work or working from home (or just about anywhere else you can think of but the office) and the money it can save for both businesses and their employees. Not to make things appear too rosy, there are, of course, some negative aspects when it comes to life/work balance. (You can reach a point where you're sort of always working.) But there are positives too. Listen to conversations with Margo Day, Vice President of Small and Midmarket Solutions at Microsoft; Chuck Wilsker, CEO of The Telework Coalition and Alexandra Levit, author and columnist for the Wall Street Journal and decide whether a remote work arrangement might be right for your business.
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Online outsourcing is the practice of hiring third party vendors to provide services for your business via the internet. Without a doubt, online outsourcing can add value to your business. However, there are numerous vendors to choose from and it can be difficult to find the right outsourcing partner. Here are some outsourcing tips that small businesses might find useful Read More
Motivating employees is perhaps one of the greatest challenges that employers face. Different employees are motivated by different things. But there are a few basic methods that work for all. Here’s a list of the top 10 ways that you can use to ensure that your entire workforce is properly motivated. After all, happy employees are a prime requisite for successful enterprises Read More

11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Raising Capital
From http://www.seniorhomes.com 5245 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on May 27, 2010 4:49 pm
11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

We recently just completed raising venture capital, (a Series A financing), in which we raised $1.1M. The round was led by MentorTech ventures, with participation from Amicus Capital and prominent Bay Area and Seattle angels. We started fundraising in earnest in August of 2009, so from start to finish it took us 8 months. Raising money was a lot harder and took a lot longer than we expected, but obviously with determination and a bit of luck it can be done Read More
You have found your dream franchise. The next step would be buying the franchise; the big question: how will you finance the purchase Read More
Books: falling out of fashion, perhaps, but – business books, for sure – still so amazingly practical. What’s an hour of your time worth? How much time can a business book save? I posted here last week, in this context, about John Jantsch’s new book on referral marketing.

And today it’s Melinda Emerson’s Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. I love the book, I’ve got mixed feelings about its title, and I particularly like its real-world common sense Read More
Or are you starting to climb the walls? If you've been out of work for more than a couple of months, the monotony of sending resumes out, dealing with corporate HR departments, and sitting in front of your wide-screen monitor... Read More

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