Every entrepreneur knows that good demand generation marketing is the key to growth these days, but very few have the discipline or know-how to measure return in a world of a thousand tools and techniques. Even those things that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, as the market matures, the cul Read More
Most of the young entrepreneurs I know are classic proof of the old adage that people tend to overestimate what they can do in a short period, and underestimate what they can do over a long period. They become frustrated when they are unable to build their startup over a weekend, and give up way to Read More

How to Hire A Dedicated Software Development Team

Avatar Posted by weblineindia under Startups
From https://www.weblineindia.com 552 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on April 4, 2023 10:01 am
Are you looking to hire a dedicated software development team for your projects? Here is a detailed guide to know. Read More

Hiring Dedicated Remote Developers: Top Advantages

Avatar Posted by weblineindia under Startups
From https://dailybusinesspost.com 549 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 3, 2023 4:19 pm
Hiring dedicated remote developers allow more enterprises to smoothly lower their software development costs and much more. Read More
Some analysts argue that revenue drives growth, while others say user growth drives revenue. Both have worked. Google reached $1B in revenue within five years of incorporation, and now has a market capitalization of over $1 trillion. Twitter showed no focus on revenue in the first five years, but w Read More
Every organization I get asked to help these days seems to realize that innovation is required on their part to survive and thrive in this age of constant change. Their challenge to me is how to integrate innovation into the thinking and process of every team, and measure the “risk versus reward” o Read More

Books are back — in a tactile way

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Startups
From https://edselandiris.com 552 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 30, 2023 2:28 am
Book publishing is still a worthwhile business venture. Markets for both physical books and eBooks continue to grow. Read More
If you feel trapped in an unsatisfying and limiting role as a business professional, I urge you to assess your own interest and level of ownership thinking as a means of enhancing your career or growing your own business. I have personally worked as an employee of large businesses, as well as a par Read More
Technical entrepreneurs love their technology, and often are driven to launch a startup on the assumption that everyone will buy any solution which highlights this technology. Instead, they need to validate a customer problem and real market need first. Don’t create solutions looking for a problem, Read More
Entrepreneurs need to be effective team leaders, since no one can transform an idea into a product and a business without some help. Unfortunately many founders I work with as a mentor are experts on the technical side, but have no insight into leading a team. But fortunately, team building is a sk Read More

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