9 Stories Main Stream Media Can Report to End this Recession.

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Success Stories
From http://life.ducttapemarketing.com 5714 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 29, 2009 2:42 am
Newsworthy these days are the numbers of companies thriving, possibly growing. Let's hear those stories and discover their tips and resources so we can all get out of this recession, faster. Read More

7 Template Resources to Save You Time

Avatar Posted by ashlyrevi under Online Marketing
From http://www.p2w2.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 29, 2009 1:45 am
If you are a small business, every bit of efficiency helps you. Free templates available online help you do exactly that. Read More

Employee Recognition: 6 Management Strategies

Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Management
From http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com 5714 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 10:15 pm
Workplaces are stressed these days, but managers need to understand the importance of positive employee feedback. Read More

6 Non-Salesy Ways To Ask Your Customers To Promote You

Avatar Posted by himangim under Marketing
From http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 9:19 pm
Here are a few ideas for getting your customers to promote you to their family, friends and social networks in a way that won't make it appear as if you're paying them to like you: Read More

Six Awesome Keys to Business Survival in 2009

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Strategy
From http://johnspence.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 9:02 am
This is a MUST watch video for every entrepreneur and business owner. John Spence discusses six high-powered tips that you likely haven't heard before, to surviving (and even growing) in 2009. This is really worth the 7 or so minutes to watch. Enjoy! Read More

Burnout is in Your Head

Avatar Posted by timrohrer under Sales
From http://www.salesbloggers.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 8:36 am
The author describes ways burnout and what to do about it. Read More

5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Marketing
From http://www.copyblogger.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 8:02 am
Publishers can complain and wistfully wish for the good old days of blog links and Google juice, or they can adapt to the new reality Twitter represents. Getting your content “ReTweeted” on Twitter (i.e. getting people to repeat what you've said, usually along with a link) can drive significant quality traffic to your site, which in turn can boost Read More

The Search Engine Marketing Gap

Avatar Posted by msmiciklas under Online Marketing
From http://www.intersectionconsulting.com 5717 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 2:00 am
As consumers continue to use search engines as the primary tool for researching products/services and for finding solutions to their problems, are small business owners keeping pace with a commitment to search engine marketing (SEM)? Read More

What Type Of Employer Are You, Benefits-Wise?

Avatar Posted by BizBox under Management
From http://bizbox.slate.com 5716 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 1:58 am
BizBox's Jerry Kalish describes the four types of employers when it comes to offering benefits. Which type are you? Read More

Top 10 Ways to Promote Your Business Book in 2009

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 5715 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 27, 2009 11:32 pm
The good news is that it has never been easier to get your book noticed by the right people. In fact, before you put fingers to keyboard, before you type “Chapter One” on that pristine blank page — you should begin your marketing. You should be promoting yourself and your book, via the web, even before the book is done. Read More

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