When New Marketing Fails: Who Wants a Meatball Sundae?

Avatar Posted by JohnH under News
From http://blogs.bnet.com 6063 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2007 2:07 am
Seth Godin is at it again. In his new book, “Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync?” — available on December 27th — Seth Godin dissects the 14 trends marketers need to embrace to avoid eating meatball sundaes, which Godin explains as such: A meatball is a worthwhile commodity. They are things we need and sold to everyone. The sundae is th Read More

Entrepreneurial 'Therapy': Deals, Divorce, Downsizing

Avatar Posted by Becky under Self-Development
From http://online.wsj.com 6067 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2007 12:13 am
Once a month, eight New York area entrepreneurs cancel all appointments, power down BlackBerrys and cellphones and gather in a cone of silence. For three hours, they unload the triumphs, and more often, stresses, not shared with spouses, friends or boards: a marriage on the rocks, the pain of firing a long-term employee, depression that's usurped Read More

Software License Fines Fall Hardest on the Smallest

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Legal
From http://www.midmarket.eweek.com 6073 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 5:24 am
Most small and midsize businesses aren't even aware when they violate a software license, according to software industry sources, but that doesn't stop the fines from piling up. Nearly 90 percent of the fines collected annually by the Business Software Alliance for software license violations falls on small and midsize businesses, many of whom h Read More

Price Most Important Factor for Online Shoppers

Avatar Posted by melanee under Marketing
From http://www.marketingcharts.com 6066 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 3:25 am
Uncertainty about the economy is driving bargain hunting, as money-related issues dominate consumer priorities when shopping online. Price and free shipping stand out as clear favorites - with special promotions or coupons a distant third, according to a national survey conducted in late November.

The survey, conducted by Aegis Group's Synovat Read More

New Data Research Portal Offers Up Advocacy

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Resources
From http://www.smallbizresource.com 6066 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 3:23 am
There's a new neat little site you might want to bookmark. One of the biggest small-business organizations has launched a new research portal that advocates and offers up support for today's SMB shops. The National Federation of Independent Business, whose mission is to promote and protect the right of businesses to operate and grow, just launc Read More

More businesses adding social networking to strategy

Avatar Posted by TerryJackson under Marketing
From http://www.bizreport.com 6070 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 3:22 am
A new study has found that businesses are increasingly looking to social networking and user-generated channels to improve their levels of customer engagement. Ninety percent of respondents to the Annual Online Customer Engagement Report said that a customer engagement strategy was “essential” or “important” to business operations. The research, c Read More

Helping Search Engines Find Your Press Releases

Avatar Posted by TerryJackson under Public Relations
From http://blogs.bnet.com 6066 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 3:22 am
Considering how focused PR people are with having a 'social media strategy,' I'm still a little surprised when I see press releases online that aren't optimized for the web. Come on people — it's not that hard! The first and easiest thing to do is to embed links in the body of your press release. Pick out the key phrases in your press release — yo Read More

Why business relationships are deeper than friendships

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From http://blogs.bnet.com 6066 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 20, 2007 11:06 pm
It's often been said that B2B selling largely consists of developing a relationship with the customer. Most sales pros think that a customer relationship should like a friendship. Wrong. You can be friends with plenty of people and never get any business from them. So here's a secret that Jerry Acuff, author of The Relationship Edge in Business re Read More

KC Entrepreneur: Top-Flight Dart Company Targets Success

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Success Stories
From http://www.kcsmallbiz.com 6064 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 19, 2007 5:39 pm
Terry Maness enjoyed being a Horizon Darts investor, but never intended to take an active role in the company. When her husband died unexpectedly nearly three years ago, Maness faced the choice of selling the company, closing it or stepping in to keep her husband's dream alive. “I have no business background at all,” Maness said. “I was completel Read More

Skills can be taught, personality is forever

Avatar Posted by jnelson under Human Resources
From http://blogs.ittoolbox.com 6069 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 18, 2007 8:36 am
Employers are putting an increasing focus on employee personality to ensure that they can work within the team framework, and have a better understanding of the job requirements. An excellent write up in the SeattlePI goes in detail on the subject, and is something that I have noticed that more and more clients are doing. They want people who can Read More

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