1. Leaders listen Instead of waiting to speak, leaders truly listen to what their employee is saying. In order to communicate directives which will drive results, you have to really hear … Read More
In fast paced world, it's easy to forget that some things need time to properly developed and mature. One of those things is career; whether it's skills, experience, or simply reputation, you don't become a big shot overnight! Here are some of the tips HR professionals have for volatile and impatie Read More
With Talent ROI, % company's top manager and HR can make informed decisions taking in account financial impact of hiring and keeping a talent in a company. Read More
How to develop an emotionally intelligent organization by Breaking Down EQ Barriers and Giving Your Organization a Voice. Read More
n the workplace, I have seen people who didn’t want others to succeed. They feel it makes them look more valuable when others around them are failing. This seems counterproductive for members of management. One could argue they are not truly successful unless they have left a successor that can tak Read More
According to the Center for Disease Control, the flu costs businesses billions in lost productivity each year. Here is what small business owners can do to keep themselves and their employees happy, healthy, and productive. Read More
Employees come to work for an organization for a variety of reasons. They usually need to earn a paycheck, but time is too short to spend years in a job where you are neither recognized nor valued as an important contributor... Read More
With the affordable care act weighing heavily on the minds of many small business owners, the hiring of freelancers is set to increase. Here's what small business owners can do to ensure that they are hiring the right freelancer for them. Read More
Employees usually fall into one of four "Zones" that influence the way they listen and learn. Managing your whole team effectively means you need to know which zone each person is in and have a strategy for coaching them and influencing change. Read More
If your small business is looking to hire freelance workers online, you have a number of websites to choose from. Marc Prosser review the pros and cons of some of the more popular ones. Read More

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