Delete… Delete is liberating. I wrote 25,000 words over the course of 5 weeks and then just like that chopped over 30% right off the top. Delete is a fresh start. And though I’ve set myself back a couple weeks in time to market I feel the Value a reader will derive from my book’s content has inc Read More
Appearing as a guest on television is an important part of your marketing strategy for becoming a well-known expert in your field. To have a successful TV interview, where you’re able to focus on your message and be completely undistracted, it helps to understand the actions being performed by the Read More
With nearly 400,000 books published every year, it takes real know-how and promotional intensity to make sure your book stands out from all the other new books being released. Read and learn a few tips to help. Read More
Last month we did a photo caption contest over on our Facebook page for a free premium PRWeb press release. But this month I’m in the Halloween spirit and with all of this talk about the new AMC hit TV show, “The Walking Dead,” I decided to do a press release contest…on the zombie apocalypse! Read More
In my role as the head of a PR firm, one of the most common misconceptions I see has to do with the superlatives people choose to describe themselves. Now, I’m not referring to how the media positions someone, but rather how someone seeking PR wants to refer to him or herself. Read on. Read More
Do you realize that you may be a perfect candidate to appear on local television shows to talk about your products, and more importantly that the impact it can make in terms of product sales and distribution is enormous? Read on... Read More
As you know, Netflix has suffered setbacks over the last three months that look like the plot of a Shakespearean tragedy. The company went from being a darling of investors to a pariah, almost in a single day.
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For the last month, what began as a small group on Wall Street has become a national phenomenon. Whether or not you agree with them, what’s interesting is how the story grew and where it began: the Internet. Read on. Read More
A press release is still one of the best ways to reach the media to gain publicity. However, most go straight into an editor’s trash bin because people make the mistake of sending poorly constructed, self-serving releases. Read More
After writing your book, are you finding that no one is buying it? Could you be committing the seven deadly sins of book promotion? Read on and see what you can do to get the exposure and awareness you need. Read More

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