“I love your work”, “You changed my life”. Sounds great, right? All that praise and approval? Isn’t that just what you’ve always wanted? So why do you have a horrible, sinking feeling in your stomach? Read More
Fashionista, which broke the story, says: 'What’s disturbing about Jours Après Lunes is... that it’s lingerie for people who probably shouldn’t be old enough to even know what lingerie is.'

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Last week I said that adding value was more important than the number of followers in social media. This week I touch on the numbers and why they DO matter, to give you credibility. Read on. Read More
Even though a few rumors started on Friday, August 12thm, the big news hit on Monday 15th. Yes, Google boutht Motorola Mobility for approximately 12.5 Billion. From last Friday until today (almost five days) our social media monitoring software pulled 346,229 mentions (and counting) about the Googl Read More
Marketing, if done well, is all about telling stories. Does your business have a story? Are you telling that story, or is it being told for you? Now is the time to seize your own narrative and cement it in your customers' minds so they can retell it for you. Read More
Imagine two people who walk into your office seeking your business. Each has impeccable credentials, wearing suit, and has an impressive resume. One hands you a business card, the second his book. Who won your business? Read More
Talk radio is one of the biggest podiums in America! Not everyone got there by working their way through the ranks. Others, like Dave Ramsey, bought airtime and created his show to great success. Read on and learn how you can be the next big talk show host. Read More
Some say corporations are people too. True or not, these ideas can help build a company's brand personality by being more personalized in marketing efforts.

Mitt Romney notably stated “Corporations are people, my friend”... Although the issue of whether or not corporations are people too may be Read More
Social media is no longer just a fun thing to do with friends and associates. It has become an essential of business. However, many businesses take the “marketing” part of social media marketing to literally and alienate many. Read on. Read More
PR today has migrated from media relations and story ideas to encompass blogging, SEO, content marketing and social media. A PR professional who doesn’t embrace these other points on the Communications circle will likely be overrun by those who do. What's a PR person to do? Read More

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