Local media is still a powerful way to publicise yourself. People plug into it to see if they spot anyone they know. If you supply real news to local journalists, they’ll be grateful to have something solid to fill their outlet with. And you’ll achieve your goal of promoting your business. Read More
Small businesses that pursue industry award and recognition programs are able to leverage a valuable public relations marketing tool for added company exposure and credibility --

A feature story or company spotlight in a leading industry publication is golden for any business. And one of the bes Read More
Social media has turned communication on its head. If you are using it to reach your public, then you want to make sure you get the impact and not the scorn. Read on and learn how to maximize your return. Read More
Calling all small businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area! Tell us why your small business is the best around, and you could win an iPad and a feature article about your business on the Buzz small business blog. Read More
Nothing brands better than being interviewed on TV, radio or newspapers and magazines. Should you get the opportunity, are you ready to do your best? If not, here are some tips to ensure you get most from this opportunity. Read More
A company blog acts as an extension of a corporate website to help develop brand recognition, support public relations goals and drive more website traffic.

Company websites tend to be focused on marketing products and services in a structured and formal manner. But depending on the nature of yo Read More
One technique to improve the chances of your press release getting published is to provide tips and advice that would help the reader. Editors are always looking for valuable info to fill their pages. What they are not looking for is an advertisement disguised as press release. Read More
Most people fast-forward through the commercials when they watch their favorite show on their DVR. How much longer does the TV commercial have? As people reject advertising more and more, what happens BETWEEN the commercials becomes more important. Read on. Read More
Many companies are feeling the impact of this prolonged economy. However, people ARE spending. What is often forgotten is to position yourself from the perspective of your customer’s eyes. Read on and see how you can change your prospects. Read More
Many professionals would love to write a book as a marketing vehicle, but feel it to be too overwhelming. Michael Levin, NYT bestselling author shares why you should and how you could in 13 weeks. Read on. Read More

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