A key determinant in successful B2B selling is to deliver measurable results by linking key corporate strategies with effective, implementable tactics. Face it, companies have more strategies than they can say grace over. What's more, there are so many tactical commodities available that it is immensely difficult to know which approaches are the "right" ones, that will deliver maximum impact.
By improving your own "sratactical" thinking, you can more effectively position your products or services to demonstrate how the customer can achieve greater, quantified results.
This article describes four key qualities to taking a "stratactical" approach, and to helping you gain executive attention while avoiding the "commodity trap" Read More
An email newsletter has a ROI of 4,352% on every dollar spent and drives 73% more sales per marketing dollar than telemarketing and cold calling. Here are 3 technologies you can use to create a subscription list for your very own email newsletter Read More
Probably not. But, some executives in the franchise industry could be up watching all the excitement that The Home Shopping Network delivers to it's viewers during the 3:00 AM-4:00 AM time slot... Read More
The recession in the UK was announced to be officially over in January of this year. But..not for this UK franchise Read More
When setting up an online business there are many things to take into consideration such as working with a good SEO consultant Read More
Well, as that new celebrity from the great state of Alaska says, you betcha! John sent me an advance uncorrected proof of his new book, The Referral Engine, a few weeks ago. I first met John... at the Emarketing conference... Read More
There are some important things to bear in mind when considering as SEO Consultant. You should be clear about the requirements of your business and be prepared to work your SEO consultant to achieve the best results Read More
A study from The Kauffman Foundation found that in any given year, the top-performing 1 percent of companies account for some 40 percent of jobs. Surprised? Learn why Read More
What you say, and how you say it, reflects on you and your company. You don’t need to be a professional writer to improve the quality of your writing efforts. Take an extra couple minutes with all your business communication and I bet you will begin to see a difference. Read this post to discover 3 tips anyone can use. Read More
Internal linking structure is commonly known as website navigation and it is an important part of a Search Engine Optimisation Read More

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