Not all sales are involved or complex requiring a solution. Many B2B sales professionals have to make their living, and they do, selling in a commoditized world where sometimes the only visible differentiator is price. But it does not have to be if you are up to the challenge Read More
Purchasing is the new sales. Where once simply acquiring the lowest price was enough to indicate that purchasing had done its job well, now the judgment has shifted to their ability to select strategic partners who can help solve the company’s most pressing business problems and help them take advantage of their best opportunities. Purchasing is now soundly in the value creation business. As this change occurs, both sales and purchasing need to rethink this relationship Read More
When a webpage is written with the consideration of target audience, it probably has more chance to have a higher conversion rate. Keeping your content short, informative and engaging is a way to impress your readers; it motivates them to keep visiting your site and buying from you again and again. Read More
Salespeople have a tough time breaking off engagements with prospects who don’t really meet their target criteria. But spending time with these prospects prevents spending time doing the heavy lifting required to win dream clients. If they aren’t really dream clients, you should abandon them. You really aren’t that into them anyway Read More
An Illustrator eps file is the gold standard for your logo files, but there are times you jpeg, gif or png files too Read More
If you've been writing white papers for some time now, or if you've never written a white paper before but have been thinking about it, here's your opportunity to learn how to avoid some of the critical mistakes plaguing many white paper marketers today.

The webinar is called, "7 Ways to Overcome the Most Common White Paper Mistakes". It will teach you some of the most common problems that prevent marketers from achieving the lead generating results they are seeking from their white paper marketing campaigns. During this high-energy event you'll discover not only how to avoid these mistakes, but also find new ways to use white papers that will generate leads and grow your business.

When you’re done, you'll be able to add some fresh, new ideas to your marketing programs that ensure success. Don't miss it! Sign up at or via the enclosed blog link. Access details will be emailed to you when you register.

See you there Read More
The American Dream??? How many of us are in situations where we are living a life based on necessity and are not truly happy with who we are and what weremLen= Read More
According to many, Guest Blogging does what Google doesn’t !  Guest Blogging is a method used by bloggers as a way to interact and network with other bloggers within the blogging atmosphere or blogosphere and this indeed increases the traffic for your blogs. This is one of the genuine ways for getting a quality backlink. The other three ways I recommend are throug Read More
Increasing your typing speed is one of the best practices for Time Management. It will help you to become more productive and you can save hell lot of time. I picked up 9 simple tips to increase and improve your typing speed.Recently I can to know about this report from a blog, “If a computer user double his typing speed, h Read More
In Security Jargon, Social Engineering is the act of using Non-Technical aspects for obtaining confidential information.  The attacker don’t need to have contact with the victim in person. These kind of attacks are called as social engineering attacks. Here the intended victim is tricked to do something needed by the attacker. A common example is phishing. It is Read More

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