This article explains how we, as human beings, fail to communicate with specificity in many facets of our lives to the detriment of our business results and personal relationships.

The article cites three specific and pertinent case studies. T two in business and one in a personal relationship were conflict and mis-understandings occurred when the individual initiating a message thought they were being clear, but the recipient was left to guess, mind-read, fill in the blanks and put their own meaning on the communication, which almost always creates problems Read More
Getting and staying at the top of your game requires that you maximize your business efforts by becoming proficient in a set of fundamental business skills Read More
5 Steps to be Like Iron Man & Create Small Business Success - Here are a few learnings small businesses and startups can all learn from Iron Man to create more successful businesses. Read More
One of the “gotchas” for businesses compiling their marketing materials is the: “Aren’t We Clever” trap. Here’s how to avoid falling into that trap Read More
David Mihm, local SEO expert, updates and comments on the Local Search landscape. Google, Facebook, and Yelp plays... and how they impacy your local online efforts Read More
Have you ever held a meeting and realize that you didn’t have a reason? I think most sales people make this mistake. So that you have a purpose, here are 7 reasons for having a meeting Read More
What's a disappointing retail selling experience look like? It looks like this. Let's put an end to trite selling forever Read More
PC World posted a great video that explains three new social media offerings from the Web 2.0 expo: itDuzzit, Engage, and Socialtext. All three of these tools are designed to make it easier for companies to use social media to improve their overall business.. Read More
The central message of today's Transforming Public Services Conference is clearly about ‘getting real’ with what’s happening right now, and not just that, but specifically outlining what action needs to be taken Read More
Do you remember Facebook’s announcement back in March regarding location-based status update? It has now surfaced yet again. However, that above feature will only cater to users but Facebook is planning to offer this feature to marketers too, including McDonald’s. Read More

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