Hit you prospects over the head all day everyday with non-stop marketing come-ons (spam really) they never really asked for. It's done on Twitter, in other social media, on blogs and in e-mail. It's called whack a mole marketing. And according to Chris Brogan, it's simply got to stop. Before all your followers unfollow you, all the people on your e-mail list block your submissions and you loose your entire community, have a look at Chris's impassioned plea Read More
How to create an effective Linkedin profile to get more clients for your consulting, coaching, accountancy or legal busines Read More
Dissatisfaction is a prerequisite to any sale. It provides the compelling reason for your dream client to change, it provides the motivation to change, and the narrative that good storytelling requires. Real opportunities don’t exist without dissatisfaction Read More
The financial statements of most small to medium-sized companies are wrong. Here is a list of the 2o most common problems, and some suggestions on how to solve them Read More
Companies must realize documenting processes is vital to their success. Management Training TIps by Glenn Pasch, President of Improved Performance Solution Read More
Knowing your first three questions going into a sales meeting is key to achieving what you want out of the meeting, this of course implies that you do know what you want out of the meeting. While experience goes a long way, planning and leveraging your playbook will take you much further Read More
This review explains why you should read the book Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business To market Itself by John Jantsch Read More
Well we had a recession phase where big companies struggled. Their logos depicted their scenario. Sad faces. Now let's see how some of the big companies logos are doing after recession. Guess what, every one is smiling again Read More
If the benefits of search engine optimization were first exploited by large corporations, presently, more and more small businesses start implementing one way Read More
Smartbooks have been in the works for quite some time, but this product category has still not managed to become a market, even though, by ARM's count, the segment should have been up and running before the end of last year. In fact, instead of becoming the newest mobile Internet-device category,3UR18650F-3-QC151, smartbooks became evidence of how plans didn't always work out. In this case, they showed that marketing conditions could act as a serious handicap for a certain device type, even before said type gets a chance to start selling.
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