Starting a business is fun. Planning a business is not as fun. So how do you take your fresh idea and turn it into a viable business without sacrificing your enthusiasm in the process? Here are some ways to get started now. Read More
Marketing tips to enhance your chances of attracting opportunities in this competitive World of Business. Read More
Cordell Francis Making His One Top 40 Bands Of 2009 Olympic Records Which He'll Be Sighed With Word Records This 2010!! Read More
On rainy days, small and new businesses struggle with a buying market that is kept indoors. Business will prove tolerable if the business is kept a bit flexible and updated with the times. Business that is sensitive to the needs of the moment is business that will boom come rain or shine. Read More
The aim of the social media marketer to learn more about the behaviour of the customer in order to better satisfy their needs is sometimes tricky when it comes to ethical issues. The European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) has in a recent survey distinguished four ethical concerns that persists in the the online marketing business, despite the often good intentioned nature of Read More
This got me thinking about the whole voluntary work strategy for jobseekers. I believe this can be a positive strategy but is too often received negatively by jobseekers – comments include “this is desperation” or “organisations taking advantage of the economy”. Everyone is entitled to opinion and mine is firmly behind this strategy and my colleague proves why. Start looking at it from a differen Read More
For creative and entrepreneurial types, their work means giving up the cosy office environment and going it alone. The solitude gives them the peace and space needed to come up with innovative ideas. But the loneliness can be crushing and seriously sap your motivation. As a home worker, I have come up with some tried and tested strategies for keeping motivation high when you’re working alone. Read More
A meeting that is not constructively planned, lacks a purpose, is not properly conducted and ends with no action points is exactly that. Yet, in business, a substantial amount of our time is spent in meetings that seem to be constructed from the off-set to fail. Read More
The value of the Euro is going down because most of the countries that use it are in economic trouble. Read More
Back in the day...Kings AND Queens were known to kill the messenger if the message they carried was to the Royal Person's disliking. Corporate brands may be our royalty today. Because it seems we may have a similar situation today.... Read More

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