Natalie MacNeil of Garage Entrepreneurs discusses the rise of young entrepreneurs and how the current economy has had an effect on new graduates. Read More
The only thing that can eclipse the sheer scale and magnitude of the Tiger Woods brand is what he has been able to achieve on the golf course. To be certain, none of these allegations can diminish the successes that he has realized on the links. However, advertisers and sponsors have taken his “superman-like” achievements on the golf course, applied that magic to the image of “Tiger, the man”, Read More
This post explores when is it okay to sell based on price alone? When will it destroy you and your company? It all comes down to knowing your company's business strategy. Read More
Warning: A bit of a straight commercial post here.

If you’ve subscribed to the Duct Tape Marketing newsletter or read this blog for any amount of time you know I use social media, talk about social media, and generally love exploring it and finding very practical ways to use this new toolset.

Now, not everyone has the same passion I do, but most small business owners have concluded they can Read More
New start up launched yesterday as the social alternative to eBay and Craigslist. You are able to integrate your social networks on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for example into your profile creating a safer selling environment for both the buyer and seller. Read More
Find a startup or microISV founder and ask the following: what are the top 3 approaches you use to find customers? You'll get some pretty good answers. Then ask about the next step in the process: once you have traffic coming to your site, how will you turn prospects into customers? Most startup founders think about driving traffic to their website. Almost no one thinks about improving conversion Read More
When you have to resort to suing your competitors to regain market share, something is seriously flawed with your view of your customers. Read More
Each year has four seasons - Spring, summer, autumn, and winter (It is in the winter that we have most trouble.)

Each work project has the same four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. We sometimes find ourselves in a “winter of discontent”.

Thios article discusses how to ride out the storm of a recession. Read More
Contest for new business startup idea for 2010, and for women only. Hosted by several Canadian companies, the winner will receive tools, education, press an coaching to get their new business idea off the ground. Article includes great resources for Canadian business startups. Read More
In a recent telephone chat with FuelNet about getting new customers, August Turak explained that the Trappists are guided by a management philosophy that has six basic tenets, applicable to companies large and small. Read More

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