To make money online, you need to offer products that customers want to buy. New online research tools can help you determine what customers want to buy BEFORE you open your store. This article explains how to use Google, Yahoo, and Keyword tools to uncover profitable customer demand. Read More
The current economy means money is tight and it's more difficult than ever to get money from banks for funding a small business. But you CAN still get financing to buy a franchise. Jeff Elgin provides some tips on finding the money you need. Read More
Learn from industry insider, Joel Libava. He recently wrote a revealing eBook... Read More
Explore the value of helping your customers re-evaluate their existing vendor relationships, using questions that will guide them through the evaluation process. Read More
Like a marriage, a business relationship is always two-sided. Ever faced a situation where you thought your relationship with a customer was still going strong, only to find she's got her eye on a rival vendor? This article stresses the importance of salespeople nurturing existing customer relationships and asking questions that get to the heart Read More
Imaging Spectrum Magazine's November 2008 edition features Paul Cherry's article “To Keep Buyers Coming Back, Don't Be Nice — Be Real” on page 40. In this article, Cherry reveals the secret of customer loyalty: customer engagement. Read More
We spend a lot of money on business development. We spring an average of $2,000 per person to send folks to conferences and trade shows in pursuit of the almighty warm lead. We golf with our clients, with our clients friends. We buy cocktails, break bread together, all in the name of establishing favorable connections on a personal level. We hope Read More
With online marketing efforts it is important to remember that most things you do online will require patience and time. No matter what industry your are venturing into it is important to remember that online marketing is a building process and it will require more than just slapping up a blog post here and there to generate income or even traffic Read More
The economic tide continues to deliver plenty of ebb with very little flow. The impact of decreased spending and tanking consumer confidence is being felt by companies across the board. Often, none feel it more strongly than the marketers within those businesses. Read More
I recently had the opportunity to try out, a new deep Web search engine. After uploading my personal information and confirming my e-mail address, I was extended the privilege of free searching. DeepDyve allows and encourages enormous keyword strings and complex queries. Given the amount of data that DeepDyve is collecting, I was sure Read More

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