CindyKing commented on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media ROI - Measuring Social Media Return on Investment

"Zane, Well the trigger that got me started happened in December 2008, and it's kind of interesting, so I'll share that with you here. I had asked to connect to someone on LI. It was another member of a small professional group I belonged to. And he insisted on speaking to me first on the phone before accepting the connection. He is older and did not feel at ease on any social networking platform. When I spoke to him he told me how he enjoyed meeting people like this. His networking was slower this way, but he felt he made more meaningful connections. In November 2008 I had started my Tweet Plan (5 strategic tweets a day) and contacts made on Twitter were emailing me fairly regularly and at the time I was struggling to keep up with these emails. I start my day early, so mid/late afternoons I start to wane fairly rapidly. After speaking to this gentleman I decided to spend this time connecting with people on the phone/skype. At first I wanted to aim for 1 a day. This is not really feasible, but I do average about 3 or 4 a week. They are not always new contacts, but they are almost always people I first met on Twitter. These first phone calls are great, but it's still difficult to judge how you can take these connections further... so I came up with another idea. Twitter Interviews. After the Twitter Interview process it's much easier to identify future networking/partnership possibilities. The first thing is to set aside a convenient time in your schedule to network. Then come up with ideas to take those conversations further."

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