CindyKing commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The Productivity Map - From Followers To Producers
"Dragos, I love the graphs... but I have to say, they were a bit hard to swallow. Only because I'm behind schedule and it's Monday morning, not a nice way to start the week. So I felt the "sloppy" and "undisciplined" fingers pointing at me. :) Now seriously, I think it is always good to remind us to go for the high goals. I just realized this weekend that one of my recent goals was only aimed at the half way point up the mountain... and I didn't even realize it when I made it. I needed to be pushed on another mountain and see things from a different perspective to realize it. :) Thank you for your article!"Are You Busy Being Busy With Your Small Business Marketing?
"Hi Susan, This is so true. I think some social media users are spectators, as Martin pointed out, and do not realize they are on social media with real business objectives. They let themselves stay in their personal mode and do not turn on the professional button. I think the big businesses must be tackling this issue. But I'm not sure about the smaller businesses that are active in social media. And it is critical to align your social media actions with your social media objectives."In International Business Don't Forget Different Countries Have Different Rules
"Hi Shawn, yes you would think all the wrinkles would be ironed out some day. At least that is easy enough to imagine sitting on an office somewhere. In practice, such weird unexpected things pop up. By the way, did you know that in France, the country that prides itself on human rights, multicultural marketers have an extremely difficult time. It is illegal to keep any sort of data that could be considered discriminating in any way. This makes it almost impossible to carry out any multicultural marketing whatsoever. Marketing tactics for specific products to any sort of ethnic group are severely limited. "Promote your small business Website with StumbleUpon
"StumbleUpon is a great tool for beginner blogs to get traffic. It's also a good place to network with other social bookmarking friends. Once you start getting natural traffic, it's appeal is a little less interesting. StumbleUpon tends to bring "empty" traffic - the value is mainly in the traffic numbers to your site. This video gives an in-depth how-to that is easy to follow."Kiss HTML Goodbye - the WordPress Learning Curve | Richmond Blogs
"Things happen all the time. All sorts of weird technical issues pop up over the course of year if you are active online. If I had to sit back and wait for someone else to come and fix them because I did not want to peer under the hood, my business would suffer. Of course it is great to do things quickly, with or without code. On the one hand I think you are giving your competitors a distinct advantage if you think you can be online and never have to look at code of some sort. On the other hand, all of the "code-less" features are wonderful ways for everyone to start blogging and learn about code as the problems pop up or as you want to do new things. That's what I did. "LinkedIn the 11 Most Powerful Features For Small Business
"Hi Josh, I had never heard of the toolbar and am looking forward to using this. Thanks for sharing the link! The one time I tried to schedule an event, the screen did not work well and I could not see if it had been registered properly. I've heard a few other negative comments about how the event function glitches a bit too often. I think the SlideShare application is great to have here on LinkedIn. I have also used the Poll feature and liked that too."Subscribe
Warren Buffett and his Effect on the Stock Market! Part 2 | My Wealth Blog
"Having worked in a company that was bought by Warren Buffet, I'm always interested in learning more about his strategies. The short video here gave a few interesting pointers on investing."