ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar

STUDY: 75% of Small Businesses Are Not Engaging In Social Media

"Ha! No, Steve. Not too frank. As always, thanks for your observations. However, as I said above, nearly 100 percent of my client base has come from social media. Not from chamber memberships or traditional networking or advertising but from social media. Now, I should probably make the point that since I'm in the blogging business this is not necessarily surprising and that since most of my clients are engaged in selling online services or attracting traffic to online communities etc. this makes perfect sense. However, the fact is that more and more entrepreneurs are seeing the value of social media and are growing their businesses in the process. I can't and WON'T say that every business can be grown this way. Any more than anyone can point to anything that will absolutely grow someone else's business. I can only say that it has definitely grown some businesses and is a viable marketing option at very low cost that many particularly online entrepreneurs cannot afford to ignore. If you would consider paying for television or newspaper advertising why would you not consider investing in social media marketing which is much less costly. Also, unlike traditional advertising, social media has the added benefit of being a business networking tool, so you can meet not only customers but future partners, too. (By the way, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you got some networking and business benefits out of your social media activity here.) I want to open this discussion to a broader audience so will be adding it to our Twitter feed @bizsugar. "

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