ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar

Corporate Boards: 14 Questions for You | Biz Money Matters |

"Hi Steve, No definitely not coming at things from a Michael Moore direction and have no belief that all CEO's are evil. I'm an entrepreneur only at the moment who simply believes that the small and agile sometimes, but not always, have a surprising advantage over the large and well-funded in a rapidly changing marketplace. I've worked for much larger corporations in my career and, though not at the top management level, high enough to see some shockingly out of touch decisions being made sometimes for no other reason than that the organization was simply too large or too immersed in an entrenched company culture to realize until it was too late. I understand that the current method of large scale investment has to do with a large number of investors often with limited control and perhaps limited interest in what the company does beyond making money. Though there is certainly nothing wrong with making money, I am not sure this should be a company's only goal. Consider entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki's thoughts on "making meaning" with a company as an alternative. I think many small business owners and entrepreneurs, the lifeblood of this online community and of our economy, can appreciate this point of view, have a passion for what they do and in some cases could find another easier way of making a living if making money was their only goal. I have nothing against large companies or working for them. I have learned a lot from them about organization, professionalism and persistence of mission and have taken those lessons with me into the small business community. But I think the reverse is also true. I believe that larger businesses can sometimes learn from their smaller relatives too, important lessons about leanness, improvisation and taking the road less traveled. I believe most would be better for it. We have a great deal to learn from each other and I believe the result would be a better economy for us all. "

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