ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Why Generation Y is Disloyal & Demanding
"This article gives insight into possible motivations of Gen-Y, which could be helpful for any business marketing to that demographic. Reading it, however, I would add that this description goes doubly for Gen-X in that while Y-ers hold to these principles in theory, X-ers are the ones who are in a position to truly implement them in their daily lives. Most of Gen-Y is either still in college or new to the workforce while Gen-X has already had the reality check spurred by the 20-somethings and is actually using these principles as a guiding force."Can You Really Charge a Fee for a White Paper?
"Increasingly this is the case not only with white papers but with other kinds of information products as well, ebooks etc. In a lot of cases I think it depends what you are creating and what you are selling. But on the whole, I'd agree that selling marketing materials is likely to rub many the wrong way."Social Business Profile: Tomasso Trattoria Restaurant
"It's really interesting to see bricks and mortar businesses that have gotten the idea. No, social media is not just for Internet marketers. The majority of clients for our professional blogging service remain online if bricks and mortar companies really believe their customers don't spend any time on the Internet."Subscribe
7 Signs of a Healthy Customer Relationship
"All great traits in clients/customers and a good way to judge which ones to focus on in the long run."