ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to open a restaurant with no money
"I have to admit I have little experience in the restaurant game so far, though, as a foodie, running a business related to stuff I like and would like to see more of in the world has always been a fantasy. Coffee in particular, has long been an interest of mine...and of my wife's. She managed a cafe at one point. I just don't know how possible it would be to launch a venture like the one the columnist describes without large cash reserves, which is one of the reasons I found this post so interesting. Restaurants seem to have a lot of overhead (and a lot of government regulation here in the States) which is, I think, why nowadays they are not necessarily a first choice for entrepreneurs without big bankrolls. "New Weekly Franchise Radio Show Is Getting Some Buzz; It Just Needs A Name!
"Ok, Joel. Here are a couple of suggestions for the name of the show off the cuff. I won't be offended if you don't use any of them: The Frolicking Franchisees The Thursday Franchiser Franchise Nation The Finicky Franchisers Franchisemania The Franchise Four (This one would work only if you could get two other guys. The Franchise Two sounds like crap!) The Franchise Guys Franchise Fever! "A Checklist For Business Websites - Part 1 - Demographics
"Much of this, as bloggers know well, is a learning experience. You can start with certain expectations about your customers, but always leave things open for change. Avoid locking yourself into a design that cannot be altered easily. You want always to be able to evolve and change your Website over time if changes in your customers make it necessary. "Your idea sucks, now go do it anyway
"Getting that first great idea is kind of like when you were a kid playing music with friends in the garage and hoping to be the next Beatles/Led Zepplin (insert your favorite band). But you don't play any gigs or put together a press kit to get any gigs because you can't think of that REALLY cool band name. "Are You Getting The Most Out Of Yelp?
"I first discovered Yelp via a podcast on and am willing to bet plenty of small business owners don't know it exists. It's interesting how many sites are out there and easy to see how small business owners can get overwhelmed with all of them...even for a big social media fan like me!"Top cities for entrepreneurs
"Cindy, I think it would be interesting to compile a global list, but I'm not sure what would be involved or how to best go about the task. Richard, I'm wondering how many of the companies started in DC are government contractors and subcontractors. On the positive side or negatively, depending upon your political perspective, the US government has a great deal of money to spend, so it may make sense that DC would create an ideal entrepreneurial environment. "Subscribe
Social Media can leave you unemployed
"I am kind of waiting for the first lawsuit on this issue. Depending on the subject matter...and the employment agreement with the employer whether formal or what degree is use of social media free speech and to what degree does an employer have the right to censor it? What is the difference between someone trashing someone's job or company on a Website and being honest about a problem with a product. Example: Checkout people at my local supermarket regularly commiserate with customers that they do find one product at the store better than another or that they think, yes, something is a bit overpriced. Would they be fired if overheard? Remember the classic movie "Miracle on 34th Street" in which a department store Santa directed customers to other stores where items Macy's did not carry could be purchased--and inadvertently gave Macy's a great PR boost with its customers. Of course, I realize that free speech isn't guaranteed to employees where their company is concerned and that there is a huge difference between spoken and written speech--and I suspect the blurry line created by social media is the real culprit here. But let's ask ourselves going back a few years whether we would really have wanted an employee from one of the major cigarette companies in a similar situation to keep his/her mouth shut in the social media world about the health risks of smoking. Companies also must ask themselves what kind of PR they get for firing someone who expressed an opinion."