ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar

It's the Conservatives, Silly - Why the Wall Street Journal Grows While Other Papers Shrink

"I sometimes find myself skeptical when people like Peter Robinson, a one-time speech writer for both President Ronald Reagan and then-Vice President George H.W. Bush make arguments about the connection between ideology and business in the guise of an interview. Even his former boss Murdoch, for whom Robinson once worked at the News Corporation, seems uncomfortable with the suggestion that conservative values are at the root of WSJ's success. See more about Robinson's own political leanings in his Wikipedia profile or look him up elsewhere and you may wonder whether interviews like these say much more about the interviewer than the subject. Robinson also doesn't mention that one of the other 10 largest newspapers which, like the New York Times, failed to duplicate the Wall Street Journal's achievements of increasing circulation, is the New York Post, another Murdoch property and also arguably conservative in tone. The argument for conservatism as a product could much more correctly be made for another of Murdoch's crown jewels, Fox News, but Murdoch himself, in the interview, gave a much more reasonable answer to why WSJ has been so successful. In the period since buying the paper Murdoch has done something almost no other news organization has attempted. Instead of just cutting costs he has actually worked to make his product better. A better product leads to improved profitability? Who'd have thought? "

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