ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Completely Satisfied Customers: Secrets to get customers to stick with you
"All great tips, but I think the key is communication. A lot of the worst in customer relationships begin with breakdowns in communications. You may sometimes need to tell a customer something they do not want to hear and they certainly may sometimes need to do the same. Avoiding conversations will not improve the relationship and will likely strain the relationship, often beyond repair. "Branding Is The Key to Differentiation
"Great post and followup about differentiation after the similar post about customer service. I'm often amazed when new entrepreneurs enter a market believing they can serve the same exact market as a competitor but "do it better." This almost never works and picking a niche all to yourself (even if it sometimes overlaps the products or services provided by others) is almost always more successful. "5 Reasons To Turn DOWN An Advertiser
"There are probably lots of ways to look at this, David, and also lots of ways to answer the question. None of this is made any easier by the basic nature of the Internet and its collaborative approach. (Even if you place Google ads on your site to aide with keyword positioning you run the risk of running an ad that does not fit your image.) I think it's a good question for every Website advertiser to ask, but there are also probably many answers."New Kid on the Freelance Block: Break Out Of the "No Experience = No Job" Catch-22
"Yonatan, I think the same can apply to starting almost any kind of business. In the beginning lack of a track record is a really difficult thing to overcome. But overcome it you can in any variety of ways including showing clients what you are capable of first or finding that client who is looking for a fresh approach...and maybe a slightly lower rate than your more experienced competitors are charging."How to Create a White Paper Thumbnail Image
"Wow, Jonathan! Really great always. Thanks for consistently providing such a valuable resource on a subject (white papers) that for many small business owners may still be a largely untapped opportunity. It's a great addition to BizSugar. Keep up the good work."Subscribe
21 Definitions Of Culture In One Word
"Another great look at the idea of culture, Cindy. It leaves me wondering, with so many definitions and ideas about its meaning, what the true boundaries of culture are. We speak, of course, about national, ethnic, religious and linguistic boundaries. But what about the boundaries created by ideals, loyalties, passions and, yes, even brands and products. Does a Starbucks culture, for example, have a set of ideals that unify people even across other cultural boundaries? Does a youth culture have as much validity and unifying power as the larger culture of which it is a part? And in the cases where one member might be part of several cultures at once, which have the strongest impact on the decisions they make and the messages they will listen to? "