Globalcopywrite commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Why Print Still Matters
"Thanks, Susan. One thing I'm finding from many of my customers is they don't have any digital details about clients that have been around awhile. It's a shame to waste a database built on hard work. I've been recommending they send an old-fashioned letter. Thanks for your advice. Cheers, Sarah"Spelling It Out
"Hi Yoni, After I wrote this post, I found 3 more spelling errors in marketing material. I was say, "Unbelievable", if it wasn't so common. Spelling *is* a big deal especially if it sends the unintentional message that you're lazy, stupid or just don't care. Thanks for stopping by. "Secrets That the Masters of B2B Sales Don’t Care That You Discover
"You're right, Anthony. When I was selling software the people that went to club every single year were the ones that never skipped a step. They weren't smarter or better than anyone else, they just didn't take shortcuts. Nice post. Sarah"Subscribe
Why Print Still Matters
"You know what, I'm the same. I always print my copy briefs and keep them at the side of my desk. I like the ability to write notes on it and cross things off. I'm not much of a TV fan so I don't think your brain is warped! :0) Thanks for the affirmation. "