Globalcopywrite commented on the following stories on BizSugar
8 Reasons it makes CENTS to give your content away | Marketing
"When I speak about giving content away to people new to the idea of content marketing, they think I'm crazy. It doesn't take long to convert them, though. The residual benefits are worth so much more than the price tag for a single piece of content."8 Reasons it makes CENTS to give your content away | Marketing
"Hi Barney, I agree with you about the "knowledge dilution" issue. I've heard that theory before and don't agree with it, at all. When you develop original content for a client, they get the benefit of all your knowledge and wisdom. Mitch Joel claims you can't steal originality. I believe that's true. The client is always going to have something different and tailored to his needs. Even the best cut/paste artists can't compete with that. "What Good Are 3,000 Followers And No Relationship? « Social Media « Craig Sutton
"Hi Craig, Thank you for your thoughtful assessment on the use of social media tools. It's an area I've delved into a bit, too, and couldn't agree more. I had the same experience of people dropping me when I did a mass unfollowing. Frankly, I felt a weight lift. (By the way, I find the tool really helpful in assessing your Twitter network. I have no affiliation with them. I'm just a happy user.) I've recently written about the dilemma of total strangers wanting to connect with me on LinkedIn. The comments have been incredibly telling. In the article I promote the LinkedIn policy of only connecting with people you know and trust. While many people have agreed with me, I've also had a fair bit of vitriol, name calling and consistent feedback I don't understand how to network. As you will appreciate, those comments have only strengthened my position. Great post, good job! "6 Reasons For Refusing LinkedIn Invitations
"Hi Shawn, Very sage advice, thanks for the feedback. I've been using LinkedIn almost since it's inception in 2003 and things have definitely changed in the social media world since then. And while LinkedIn is social, to an extent, I do consider it to be much more rigid in the parameters for how you behave and connect with other people. I think your question about "What am I hoping to accomplish" is terrific. For awhile I was a little unsure about how my LinkedIn network should behave. This post was a way for me to say, definitively, how I think it should be managed. I always encourage people to follow me on Twitter which I consider a truly open network. "Subscribe
Global Copywriting - 7 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Copywriting Fees
"Hi Shawn, Thanks for your comment. After I posted this article I got thinking about things clients can do to get a better rate for me. I give far more discounts than bumps on price. Watch for that post within the week. Honestly, raising prices is a common way freelancers ensure they're getting the work they want. When you raise the investment point, you only get dedicated customers. If the project is an onerous one, at least you know the client is committed to both you and the project."