Globalcopywrite commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Sales Tip A Day: Create a video of the neighborhood you serve
"I love the idea of creating a video of the neighborhood. I have a friend who bought his house, sight unseen, over the internet. He relied heavily on photos taken by the agent. (He loves his house, by the way, and has been there 6 years.) Video would be a powerful addition to suburb statistics. "9 Essential Ways LinkedIn Improves My Business
"It's the "lots of other things" you mention that makes Linked my favorite social media tool. I used it as a static resume, as Ann-Christin mentions, for some years but since I've launched Global Copywriting the discussion groups have proven to be an extremely valuable feature, too."Advice From A Social Media Groupie
"Hi Shawn, The thing that strikes me about this article is your advice is nothing more than good old fashioned etiquette. Like so many things about social media, nothing has changed except the tools we're using. Thanks for reminding us to mind our manners and play well with others. :0) "MailChimp Vs Aweber – A Comparison Of Two Email Marketing Providers
"Thanks for the comprehensive review of MailChimp and Aweber. It's definitely given me some insight as to why my graphic designer is such a fan of MailChimp. I love the name of your site. I could have called mine "The Top 25 Blogs All Marketers Must Read
"You've got a great list here but I could add a couple more: David Meerman Scott's Web Ink Now Content Marketing Institute Savvy B2B Marketing M4BMarketing The Woo "Subscribe
10 Ways to get Yourself Unfollowed on Twitter
"Hi Niall, Two things that make me unfollow someone: 1) Unsolicited suggestions about a link I should check out make me check a person's tweet stream. If they've sent the same exact suggestion - and only that suggestion - to numerous tweeps, I block them. This sort of falls under spam and sort of falls under auto responses. Still, I see this behavior being practiced outside of traditional spam and auto responders enough to mention it. 2) If the avatar is sexually suggestive, I unfollow. This speaks to professionalism, to a degree. I was following a great marketing woman out of the USA but her avatars became increasingly suggestive. Obviously it was working for her on some level but, in my mind, it hurt her credibility. My general feeling is if you feel you need sex appeal to influence, you're on the wrong path. Good post. Thanks for that."