Megantotka submitted the following stories to BizSugar

(S)inbound Marketing: The 7 Deadly Sins of Content Marketing

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on December 30, 2013 1:44 pm
The more companies use content marketing to reach customers, the more people take advantage of it. Back when there were only a few hundred websites online, it was easier to get lots of traffic to a site, but as competition has crowded the market, we’re seeing more black hat techniques. Rest assured Read More

A Quick Guide to Using the Internet to Your Advantage

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 3871 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on December 25, 2013 8:15 pm
Small businesses have come a long way, thanks to the Internet. Now we all have websites touting our products and services, and we have more ways than ever to connect with our potential and existing clients. But there’s always room for improvement, isn’t there? If you’re not fully using the Internet Read More
With 2013 coming to a close, you’re probably coming up with ways to boost your productivity so you can complete your business year end to-do list. Here are 13 things that should rank at the top of that list. Read More
Let’s face it: there’s not enough time in the day to do everything we small business owners should to successfully grow our companies. Here are some tools and apps out that can help us automate processes. Read More
You want to market your business, but you aren’t 100 percent sure how. With all the different marketing strategies out there these days, it’s no wonder you aren’t sure where to look or who to turn to! But, rest assured, reliable, solid marketing strategies with proven track records exist. While it Read More
There are endless tools available alumni offices can use to keep their graduates not only connected, but engaged. Here's how to use social media and email marketing to your advantage when trying to build your alumni network. Read More

How Restaurants Can Maximize Marketing Efforts

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 3878 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 17, 2013 1:02 am
Thousands of potential new customers are out there, hungry for a delicious meal, and here you are, a restaurant owner, hungry for more customers. So, what gives? Why aren’t you packed with people who want to sample your soup of the day or dessert of the week? Well, for starters, you’ll want to take Read More
Selling online has many benefits for the consumer but also the seller as well. This will give you a look into why consumers are motivated to shop online and why sellers are motivated to offer buyers what they are looking for. Read More
What I love about content marketing is that there are so many tools and apps out there to help small businesses do more with less effort. We’re all strapped for time and cash, so any tool that can maximize marketing results is worth giving a second look.

When it comes to trying to spread your co Read More
When blogs first began to gain popularity, they were used almost exclusively as personal diaries.

Nowadays, however, blogs have evolved into something far more advanced; for both individuals and businesses, they act as invaluable marketing tools used to brand your business and interact with your Read More

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