Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you are a frequent user of Google search (who isn’t?) you’ve noticed that Google likes to try and guess what it is that you are searching for with its autocomplete feature. According to Google these search suggestions or predicted queries “are algorithmically determined based on a number of pure Read More
First off, what exactly is a “roundup” blog post? A roundup blog post is when you take a group of articles/white papers/blogs that you DIDN’T write and do a short little recap about each with links to the original source. Here on the Brick Blog, we publish two roundup blog posts each week—one is re Read More
Getting social media followers is really only the first step when it comes to social media marketing. The real goal is to keep your social media followers happy and engaged long after they initially click the “Follow” or “Like” button. Many brands still aren’t quite sure how to do this well, and en Read More
Is setting up a Google Places account something that you’ve been meaning to do, but just haven’t gotten around to yet? If so, you are missing out on lots of opportunities and you can’t waste any more time. It doesn’t take long to set up and verify a Google Places account, so you really have no excu Read More
I came across this post on the other day that talked about the kind of behaviors that would get an SEO professional ousted from the SEO inner circle (or banned for life from ever joining). It got me thinking, why are we all so concerned with being in the “in crowd?” Whether it’s our p Read More
Like any service provider, the search engines want to provide a service that will keep customers happy. This means that they want to rank the best possible pages that are relevant to keyword search terms. If the websites that the search engines suggest to users aren’t relevant or are poorly develop Read More
While SEO isn’t a particularly complicated process, it is possible to misstep here and there, especially if you are new to the game. Most website owners make SEO mistakes without even realizing they did anything wrong. Here are 4 common SEO mistakes that you want to be sure you aren’t guilty of: Read More
If you own an ecommerce website and are looking for ways to improve your SEO, you might already be sitting on a goldmine of content from your customer reviews! User generated content (UGC) is often overlooked by site owners, but it can have a wildly positive effect on your ecommerce SEO when you le Read More
Inbound marketing tactics, like content marketing, have proven to be effective ways to attract and engage target audience members. Online marketing strategists constantly sing the praises of content marketing and businesses are finally starting to listen. However, bad content marketing is even wors Read More
Social media marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand. And much like SEO, a social media marketing campaign is long-term and requires consistency in order to be effective. Some website owners are still struggling to measure the effects of their social media marketing campaign and prove ROI. While it may n Read More

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