Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Anchor text (the visible text of a hyperlink on a webpage) serves more than one purpose. Obviously, it’s much better from a user experience standpoint. If you wanted to reference another webpage and included the full http:// web address every time, especially within the middle of a sentence or para Read More
A few weeks ago I received an email from another SEO professional asking me why I had written a post about why ranking isn’t a good SEO metric. He basically said that it was common knowledge that ranking isn’t the best SEO metric and that I was just wasting my time (and my readers’ time) writing ab Read More
Let me start of by saying that I think LinkedIn is a fantastic social platform, especially for B2B companies. I have been an active, paid member since 2005 and have invested a lot of time and effort into building my personal profile and network, as well as the Brick Marketing company page. I am an Read More

Incorporate Long Tail Keywords into the Mix

Incorporate Long Tail Keywords into the Mix - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4496 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on March 16, 2012 1:52 pm
Perhaps one of the biggest indicators of SEO success is whether or not the correct keywords are chosen to target throughout the campaign. These keywords will be used throughout on site content and within every additional piece of content that is published on the web (articles, press releases, blog Read More
While SEO is a major component of any online marketing campaign, SEO does not (and should not) exist in a silo and be separate from your other online marketing efforts. Everything you do to market your business, both online and off, can be leveraged for SEO in one form of another. By keeping your S Read More
As a white hat SEO practitioner, I take everything the search engines say about SEO very seriously. If Google or Bing declares a particular link building or onsite optimization tactic black hat, then my company tries to avoid it at all costs when executing our clients’ SEO campaigns; I never want t Read More
Search engine optimization is no easy task. It’s not like other promotional or marketing strategies in which the results can be seen quickly. Instead, SEO is a marketing strategy that is only successful if worked at for the long haul. Read More
Since the B2B buying cycle is usually much longer than the average B2C buying cycle, building a real relationship with your potential customers is crucial to earning their business. It’s important that your company’s Internet marketing campaign (including content marketing and social media marketin Read More
Search engine optimization is about improving the search engine and overall web presence of a website, but not just the website as a whole. A good SEO campaign will improve the search engine and web presence of each individual page of a website. So, does that mean that there is a specific number of Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( ) explains the two types of keywords a B2B website should target. While it’s important to incorporate keywords that your target audience is searching for, it’s equally as important to target niche industry keywords that are highly specific. Even if a l Read More

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