Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Google freely admits they use site speed as a ranking factor. That right there should be enough of a reason to make you care about the speed of your site. While site speed doesn’t carry as much weight as some of the other 200 odd signals Google takes into account when ranking your site, the fact th Read More
The business owners that still question social media and its effectiveness as a marketing tool are the ones that are doing it wrong. They think of social media as its own entity that is separate from all other marketing initiatives. Every marketing expert has told them that they need to get involve Read More

Top 5 Video Marketing Myths

Top 5 Video Marketing Myths - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4604 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on November 22, 2011 4:01 pm
If you aren’t using video to improve your brand visibility online and boost your SEO efforts, you should be. Every business has a website and is fighting for a prominent search engine presence, but there aren’t nearly as many businesses fighting for a YouTube presence. That means that creating and Read More
In late October, Google announced that, in order to make search more secure for their users, they were “enhancing our default search experience…when you’re signed in to your Google Account. This change encrypts your search queries and Google’s results page.” Basically, Google is no longer passing d Read More
ver since the first Panda update from Google rolled out in early 2011, website owners and webmasters have been scrambling to protect their sites from the upcoming updates. “What do I need to do to make my site ‘Panda proof?’” many site owners would ask me. I told them all the same thing—as long as Read More
I’ve spoken with more than a few e-commerce site owners who freely admit that more than half of their annual PPC budget is going to be spent in the next few weeks, as sites prepare for the onslaught of shoppers that begin with Cyber Monday and carry through to just before Christmas. Just like Black Read More
The New Year is right around the corner, which means that it’s time to start making marketing decisions for 2012. Whether you are a new site or an established site, have done SEO in the past or are brand new to it, SEO should definitely be on your radar. The marketing landscape has changed greatly Read More
CTR, or click-through-rate, is one of the most studied and reported numbers in the SEO industry. The CTR refers to what percentages of clicks are garnered by a specific ranking position in the SERP. Obviously, the higher the click-through-rate the more valuable that position is. Most studies indica Read More
Not too long ago Google made an announcement that they would be making search more secure. It will begin sending users that are signed in to their Google account to a secure version of the site when they perform a search. Since search is becoming more and more customized the purpose of this change Read More
Operating a business blog is a great way to communicate with target audience members and share your thoughts and opinions on business matters in an informal way. It’s not easy to maintain a blog as it takes time to brainstorm a topic, write posts, edit them, post them, and then monitor the comments Read More

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