Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Arguably the single most important thing you can do for your site, keyword research and selection form the cornerstone of the rest of your SEO campaign. The keywords you choose will affect you can find your site and with what search phrases. Your keywords will also help shape the content you write, Read More
Without a solid content marketing strategy it’s impossible to have any long term traction with search engine optimization. SEO is the process of creating content (on your website and throughout the web) that will attract the attention of search engines and establish relevance in order for them to d Read More
The beauty of the English language is that the same words can have multiple meanings depending on user-intent. For SEO, this means that not everyone searches for the same thing in the same way. For instance, someone might be looking to buy a scooter which means they could user any of the following Read More
The SEO process can sometimes be more challenging for a larger company than for a smaller company. There are more hands in the pot and more red tape that can lengthen the process and sometimes lead to a standstill. While SEO is a long term online marketing strategy, it’s still important for the pro Read More
For many companies across all industries, these last few months of the year get very busy very quickly. Strategies are being created, budgets are getting approved, performances are graded and ROI is evaluated. Everyone is getting ready for the big push into the first quarter of next year. Since SEO Read More
The search engines work to please their customers, just like any other business. For Bing, Google and Yahoo, this means providing the best results possible for any and all search queries. One of the ways they are working to improve their user-experience is by offering more personalized results. Read More
Depending on the size of your e-commerce site, properly optimizing it may look like trying to climb Everest in flip flops. A lot of e-commerce site owners are intimidated by all the work that goes into properly optimizing a site, so they put it off and put it off until their site begins to suffer b Read More
Content is the foundation of everything that you do online. If you don’t have good content on your website, visitors will quickly bounce out of there and be on to the next site. If you don’t have good content spread throughout the web, your SEO and link building efforts will fail. And, if you don’t Read More
If you’ve decided to outsource your SEO to a consultant or firm, your new SEO company is going to need three things from you in order to create, launch and maintain a successful SEO campaign. Without these three things, your SEO will never get up to full-throttle and won’t reach its full potential Read More
When it comes to blogging, the first step is to decide whether or not to do it. While there are many pros to blogging, the time commitment that it takes can sometimes cause would-be bloggers to stay away. For those that decide that to make the commitment to a business blog, the next step is to deci Read More

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