Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

It’s probably the single most common problem with content marketing; site owners don’t know what to write about. Every blogger, site owner and marketers is going to have writer’s block sooner or later, but don’t let that stop you for long! A successful content marketing campaign relies on the consi Read More
SEO is a long term process. You aren’t going to see results quickly, but within six months to a year of an SEO campaign you should start to see some improvement in your search ranking. What if you’ve been working at it for a year and don’t see any significant change? What if you just can’t seem to Read More
Blog commenting is one of the best components of a link building campaign for numerous reasons. Aside from the obvious value of the link, there is a lot of long term value associated with developing a strong blog commenting campaign that can impact the overall success of your SEO and website. Read More
Setting up a business blog is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it active. One of the worst things that a business can do online is set up a blog, and then let it go inactive for months at a time. If you include a link to the company blog on your website, there’s a good chance that your websi Read More
If you look right above this post next to the author byline you’ll see a row of widgets (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, email and ShareThis). These little social share buttons are actually a critical component of my content promotion campaign, and they should be part of yours! Social share buttons all Read More
Above all, SEO clients deserve to work with an SEO firm that treats them with respect. I believe that having good customer service is fundamental to running a business, and many companies (not just SEO firms) are lacking in that department. No one wants to work with a company that doesn’t value the Read More
This isn’t the first time a business owner has had issues with Google Places and it probably won’t be the last, but I decided to share my recent experience with Google Places so business owners having problems with their own account can see that even an SEO firm (that does this for a living!) isn’t Read More
In order to have a successful SEO campaign, you first need to have quality content to optimize. Content doesn’t necessarily need to be text-based. Videos can help your SEO efforts too. In fact, videos are great because in some cases they may attract a whole new audience. Not everybody wants to spen Read More
It’s marketing 101—define your audience. If you don’t know who your target audience is, and know the in and out of their behavior and motivations, you’ll never be able to create an effective marketing campaign to reach and influence them. It sounds like a simple enough concept to understand, yet a Read More
After writing and distributing a press release, many companies make the mistake of thinking that that’s all that can be done with the press release. A press release can provide additional value, it just takes a little extra effort. Read More

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