Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I came across this article on a few weeks ago. The story focused on an SEO firm that has started selling Google +1s. “Plussems, which is owned by, is selling 50 clicks for $9.99, 250 clicks for $69.99, and was selling a bundle of 2,000 clicks.” This isn’t the first time I’ve c Read More
I’ve come across a few blog posts in the last couple of weeks where the blogger was recommending that site owners abandon their company site and move all their efforts into social media marketing, with their Facebook page taking the place of their site. I completely disagree with this recommendatio Read More
For all intensive purposes, the US space program is done and over. After 135 missions over 30 years, the last shuttle launched and landed this past July. Some blame the program’s slow demise on cost, others site lack of interest from both the public and corporations who could have helped shoulder t Read More
It’s great that businesses are starting to get that they need to be involved in social media, but in many cases they are still missing the point. Their main focus is on getting lots of fans and followers and they don’t even consider that it’s really about much more than that. They see it as a numbe Read More
The nature of a blog (be it business or personal) is inherently social. It is a place for you to express your opinions, share information, educate an audience, and build a brand. One of the most important features of a blog is the ability to connect with your target audience. This is done through b Read More
White hat SEO dictates that you take a blended approach to your link building. A diverse and consistent link building campaign demonstrates to the search engines your commitment to branding your site and building your online presence. It is important to make sure that your site isn’t flagged for tr Read More
Sometimes it’s fun to take a look back and remember the (not so?) good ole days. SEO is an industry that is changing all the time and if you don’t keep up you’ll get left behind. In the earlier days of SEO it was more about technology and it was the tech people/developers creating optimization stra Read More
Link building doesn’t just happen off-site; it is also a critical component of your site’s structure, navigation and overall user-experience. Internal link building helps links the pages of your site together, creating a fluid, organized pathway for your visitor to travel through. A good internal Read More
SEO best practice dictates that a full-optimized site means every single page of that site (from homepage to individual product/service pages to the About Us page) has been properly optimized for SEO. This includes conducting keyword research, possibly rewriting the content, writing Meta tags and d Read More
WordPress is a great blogging platform because it makes blogging that much easier. Creating quality blog posts is time consuming enough so it’s important to use a platform that makes the posting and monitoring process quick and painless. That’s why we use it here on this blog and over at Search Eng Read More

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