Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The search engines don’t take kindly to sites that try to manipulate the search results in their favor. Black hat SEO firms and spammers are constantly looking for new ways to twist the ranking factors. For instance, having a lot of links pointing to your site is important for SEO, so spammers get Read More
When you choose to hire an SEO company to handle your search engine optimization, it doesn’t mean that you can sign the contract on the dotted line and then disappear. You should view your SEO provider as a partner, someone that you work with, not just someone that works for you. Throughout the pro Read More
Online marketing and the components that make up an integrated online marketing campaign (social media, SEO, content marketing, link building, reputation management, etc) don’t qualify as “set it and forget it” tools. Sure, there are tools to automate some of the daily tasks of online marketing, su Read More
The most important thing to remember when it comes to conducting your keyword research is that you have to understand your user. If you don’t understand how people are searching for your product, you’ll never be able to target the right keywords. For instance, you might call your product a “workfor Read More
Links have always been an important search engine ranking factor. The more relevant, inbound links pointing to a webpage, the better the chances are that that page will show up in a search result for the targeted keywords. In addition, social signals is now an important ranking factor as well. If p Read More
The lines between social media and search are getting more and more blurred every day to create a new, hybrid version of the two disciplines—social SEO. Both social media marketing and SEO are incredibly long-term if you want them done right, which may intimidate many site/business owners that are Read More
In my 12+ years as an SEO professional, I’ve found that just about every business can benefit from publishing a company blog. It doesn’t matter if it’s B2B or B2C, or what industry your business operates in—a good business blog can be invaluable for your SEO and Internet marketing in general. There Read More
The URL is more important than you’d probably think when it comes to SEO and usability. After all, it shows right there along with the meta title and meta description that you so carefully crafted in a search result. It seems kind of silly to have a perfect looking title and description and a URL t Read More
It’s an unfortunate reality in the SEO industry that there are numerous black hat SEO firms waiting to take advantage of unsuspecting site owners. These black hat SEO companies will promise you whatever results you want to hear in order to earn your business, and then fail to deliver. Some will jus Read More
Blogs are great because they provide a place for individuals and businesses to share their thoughts and knowledge to a wide audience in an informal and easy to use format. Unfortunately not all blog owners use their blog to its fullest potential. They brainstorm a topic idea, write about it, post i Read More

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