Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

It’s a big decision to hire an SEO firm to handle your search engine optimization. It costs money and you want to make sure that you pick the right firm that will do the best job. Many firms state that it’s “all in the results” when trying to get your business and show examples of previous work in Read More
Article spinning is one of those black hat SEO tactics that gives the rest of the industry a bad reputation. The basic premise of article spinning is that your write one article and submit it to hundreds of article submission sites. You might change up some of the content by replacing certain keywo Read More
Keyword research isn’t the most fun or glamorous component of any SEO campaign, but it is the most important. If you don’t target the right keywords, your site won’t rank well for appropriate search queries and your target audience won’t be able to find you. Essentially, without the right keywords Read More
Your website is your most critical asset to your search marketing—everything revolves around it. The keywords you target should accurately reflect webpage content, link building works to build your site’s trust factor and ultimately drive traffic, social media profiles provide new ways for your bra Read More
Since SEO is the practice of making changes to your web content in order for the search engines to find and deliver targeted visitors to your website, the target audience of an SEO campaign is the search engines, right? Wrong. The target audience of any online marketing strategy (including SEO) sho Read More
Ever since we started school we were taught the importance of spelling and grammar. If we made spelling mistakes in a paper we were docked points. Sure, Microsoft Word’s autocorrect feature comes in handy, but mistakes still slip through the cracks. Spelling in the business world is just as importa Read More
Inbound marketing could also be called “opt-in marketing.” The basic premise of inbound marketing is to make your site appealing to those that are already looking for it. Instead of trying to force your message on your target audience, you are setting your site up to be found when your audience nee Read More
A recent study found that the social bookmarking site StumbleUpon accounts for 50% of all traffic derived from social media , surpassing even Facebook as the leading source of traffic. While we have to take these numbers with a grain of salt—StumbleUpon exists solely to share links, while Facebook Read More
Quick, which is more important to your SEO—keyword research or site content? It’s actually a bit of trick question. Keyword research and site content actually work together to create a well-optimized site. Conducting keyword research won’t do much good if your site is full of low quality content. M Read More
Inbound marketing strategies like SEO are all about the content, but what if you have none? Well, you pretty much have two options. You can hire an in house content writer or outsource the work. Depending on the size of your company, you may not need to hire a full time or even part time staff memb Read More

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