Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

You know what they say when you assume something? It makes a [expletive] of U and ME. The old saying holds true in a lot of situations, including B2B SEO. As marketing professionals, it’s never a good idea to assume you understand your target audience perfectly, assume you know everything your comp Read More
It’s almost that time of year again and retailers are getting ready for an influx of holiday business. While brick and mortar stores are preparing for Black Friday, E-Commerce businesses have their sights set on what has become known as Cyber Monday. Read More
I’ve seen it happen time and time again with SEO consulting clients. They recently moved their site to a new domain and can’t figure out why their traffic dropped from 10,000 unique visitors to 500. Everything looks good, all the pages are indexed properly, and so what gives? You know what the most Read More
The first step of any SEO campaign should focus on website optimization. This is the process of making your website as appealing as possible to both the search engines and your visitors. A properly optimized website will eventually rank better in the SERPs and attract more targeted visitors.
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With so much emphasis on social media for business these days, it seems as if blogging isn’t getting the attention that it still deserves. Long before there was Facebook or Twitter people took to their blogs to share their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. B2B businesses used blogs as a Read More

3 Things to Remember When Accepting Guest Blog Posts

3 Things to Remember When Accepting Guest Blog Posts - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Marketing
From 4617 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on November 9, 2011 5:45 pm
Hopefully, as part of your content marketing strategy, you’ve been looking for opportunities to write a guest blog post on industry blogs. As the author, guest blog posts help from a link building perspective, the help build your online presence and awareness, grow your brand and more. But have you Read More
While there is no set “right way” to run an SEO campaign, as each site will approach it differently based on their needs and goals, there is a wrong way to manage SEO. Are you guilty of one or more of these 5 things? It may mean that you are mishandling your SEO campaign. Read More
By now, the majority of businesses get that social media isn’t just a place for college kids to stalk each other anymore. Social media has become a large part of the lives of people of all different ages and backgrounds. This means that no matter what kind of business or industry you are in, your t Read More
I’m going to throw an idea out there that goes against everything I know as a social SEO professional. It may be a cardinal sin of social media, but what if you just closed the comments section on your business blog entirely? I know I’ve written about getting more value from your blog by using it t Read More
The search engines are constantly updating and tweaking their algorithms to provide their customers (searchers) with the best possible experience. Think about it. If Google search results were crappy, people wouldn’t use the service, meaning that Google wouldn’t be making a profit. Search engine al Read More

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