Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

A big part of marketing yourself online is content distribution. Content marketing helps to build brand awareness, build a positive online reputation, generate sales and leads, and build links to improve SEO and visibility. Content is really anything that’s put out there on the web. It includes the Read More
People turn to the search engines every day to look for information on everything—recommendations on where to eat, how to fix a leaky faucet, to compare prices on designer handbags and anything else you can imagine. If someone were searching for your brand, what would they find? Establishing a web Read More
If you were to look at the average search engine user, their search history would boil down to three basics types of search—informational, transactional and navigational. An informational search is when they are looking for information, perhaps the answer to a question. Transactional searches are w Read More
SEO is free because all you need is an Internet connection to do it, right? Not exactly. In order to implement a good SEO strategy it takes time. First, it takes time to learn the complexities of search engine optimization. Sure, there are tons of free resources out there to learn the basics, but S Read More
Google doesn’t really care about you. Neither do Bing or Yahoo or any of the other smaller search engines. What they care about is delivering the best user-experience they can. To create the best user-experience, they need to produce the most relevant, quality results in the SERP. The search engine Read More
While it’s not fun or glamorous, it is important that site owners conduct a full link audit once a year. Depending on how long you have been engaging in link building, you might have thousands of links to sort through, but it has to be done. Digging through you link portfolio is important for sever Read More
If you’ve been blogging for awhile, chances are you’ve experienced writers block. Let’s face it, sometimes it isn’t easy to brainstorm ideas that will translate into quality blog posts. If you’re ever stuck, why not look back at some old posts that you’ve written for inspiration? While the old post Read More
There are no guarantees of success with online marketing or SEO (and any expert or company that tells your otherwise is probably black hat), and the road to Internet marketing fame and fortune is littered with sites that failed. No two sites are alike, which means that no two failures are alike. Ho Read More
I had been doing the link building for one of my clients for a little over two years. Not to pat myself on the back, but there were a lot of good, quality links pointing to this site. At the beginning of the link building campaign I laid out a strategy (as I do for all my clients) to help me stay f Read More
Blogs are the original social media outlet. They allow for you to share your ideas and expertise with a target audience in an informal manner and encourage communication. Businesses have long used blogs to their advantage to build brand awareness and establish their online identity as an authority Read More

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