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Just Get Your Foot In the Door: Start Simple.

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From 5161 days ago
Made Hot by: keenan on July 19, 2010 2:56 pm
Crazy-busy prospects can’t handle complexity. They hate it when things are difficult to decode, decide or decifer. It grinds them to a screeching halt – which is the normal human reaction to being overwhelmed and stressed out.

Because of the chaotic business environments we work in, simplicity has recently emerged as a key factor in sales success Read More

10 Ways to Burn Down Burnout

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:06 pm
Are you exhausted? …feeling like you have lost your passion? Here’s a list of 10 things you can do to climb out of the rut and get re-energized Read More

Don't Be Fooled by the "Halfway Mark"

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5168 days ago
Made Hot by: BusyWoman on July 11, 2010 12:46 pm
Are you seeing all these posts about how we are at the "halfway mark?"

The sales articles you are reading may be misleading. Read More

3 Tips for Advancing the Sale

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5175 days ago
Made Hot by: ajayjoya on July 2, 2010 9:48 pm
Here are three tips for advancing the sale and establishing a solid next step. If any one of these is missing or if you soften one in any way, you’re increasing your chances of stalling the deal… so be strong with all three Read More

Go Get It!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: starresults on July 2, 2010 2:59 pm
I read a true story about a pessimistic railroad engineer who was let out of work early along with his coworkers. In the process of shutting down, he accidentally locked himself in a refrigerator car. Knowing his coworkers were leaving for the day and realizing the dangers of being trapped in freezing temperatures all night, the engineer began to panic! He yelled for help and banged on the door, but no one could hear him. Eventually, the engineer accepted his fate and “froze” to death. The next morning when the police examined the scene, they noticed something peculiar.. Read More

Do Your Prospects Believe You Are Qualified?

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5183 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on June 28, 2010 5:21 pm
Buzzwords and marketing lingo do not mean you are qualified. When you call a potential buyer, reduce the talk time and noise by introducing what you have and whom you’ve worked with, just like you would on a resume Read More

Forget About Building Rapport!

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From 5181 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on June 27, 2010 7:01 pm
Buyers are not fooled. They find these lame attempts at rapport-building gratuitous and insincere. Over time, they become numb to rapport-building efforts. If you want people to buy you, forget about rapport. Remove the word from your vocabulary. Instead, focus on.. Read More

100 Reasons Why We Love You Daddy!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5186 days ago
Made Hot by: cartermi on June 25, 2010 6:12 pm
As dads we often struggle to balance our time between family and work. We get wrapped up in our pursuit of career success. It stems from an overwhelming desire to be a good provider. We get home tired… our attention span stretched to the limit.

Sometimes I question myself… thinking, “You’ve got to work harder to be a better dad.”

My wife and kids always find the perfect way to put things in perspective.

My girls gave me this list of 100 Reasons Why We Love You Daddy! It’s funny… some of them are repeats, but I share all of them with you because I know many of these apply to you also.

It’s the little things that make a big difference. We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to be.. Read More

Silly Sales Cycle Slow Downs

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5189 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on June 21, 2010 1:28 pm
Closing the sale is about taking “the next natural step” in the process. Of course, sales people want that next step to happen as quickly as possible. So… why do we do things that slow down our sales cycle? Here are a few examples Read More

Return On Effort (ROE)

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Management
From 5192 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on June 17, 2010 4:24 am
Higher activity levels produce greater results when you are engaged in the right activities. Then it becomes a question of sustainability… and that sustainability is directly related to ROE Read More

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