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It is one of the biggest questions you will hear in any open forum on Social Media: Which department owns social media? It is a main topic that I will be covering at a panel discussion with the PRSA on June 8th in New York. But I wanted to outline my thoughts here and summarize some of the key sides of the debate.

While attending the SocialMediaPlus conference in Philadelphia on May 25th, I listened to the famous Frank Eliason from @ComcastCares. In his purely interactive session, Frank received this question: Do you see social media creating a convergence of marketing, PR, and customer service? Frank answered that he did not believe these areas would “converge”. Read More
A colleague of mine, Michael Brenner, has stated numerous times that the role of marketing is to help our companies gain and keep customers. This is a unifying principle for both marketing and sales teams and should act as the foundation for your campaigns. The question becomes, how do you achieve this? In most marketing organizations, the single most important way to keep customers is to build satisfaction and loyalty, while the best way to gain new customers is through positive referrals from your existing customers. Read More
For the launch of SAP Crystal Solutions, SAP has created a new Facebook App that analyzes your friend network. The analysis is presented in an easy to read dashboard that helps answer the questions “How valuable are your Facebook friends?” and possibly more importantly “Is your network more valuable than your friend’s network? Read More
Recently a colleague forwarded me a recording of a social media webcast featuring Guy Kawasaki titled “Exploring the Power of Going Social” that was originally hosted by WebEx on May 12th, 2010. For those that are not already familiar with Guy Kawasaki, he is the founding partner of Garage Technology Ventures, co-founder of Alltop, an accomplished author and a former Apple Fellow. Whatever you do, do not call him a social media expert – he does not believe these individuals exist – rather he is someone that is successfully using social media to achieve results Read More
Today is “Quit Facebook Day” where users around the world plan to delete their Facebook accounts in protest over recent privacy concerns. Currently there are roughly 29,000 individuals who have pledged to delete their Facebook profiles by the end of the day – making up only a small fraction of the over 500 million users Read More
The buzz around social media has created an atmosphere where marketers have an unquenched thirst for knowledge and tips surrounding incorporating social media into their campaigns or improving their existing social media campaigns. With summer nearly upon us, below is a list of social media books that you should add to your summer reading list. These books are listed in no particular order and have been written by some of the most well-known social media experts today. Read More
Social media is quickly becoming an integral part in the marketing mix for consumer brands. Marketers are using social media tools to monitor the conversations surrounding their brand, industry and competitors while also engaging in the community to build strong relationships. According to a recent report from Forrester Research, social media marketing spend is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 34%. Despite this, a recent study shows that most marketers are new to social media and others are still on the sidelines as they believe the landscape is still too risky and unproven. However, waiting too long to embrace social media may harm your marketing efforts in the future. Below are 3 reasons why every B2C marketer should use social media Read More
At SEER, many of our clients already had a Google AdWords Account they were running internally or one that was managed by a different agency when they come to us. Having inherited and analyzed many of our clients past accounts, below are the top 10 most common mistakes I see being made by both individuals and agencies alike Read More
Whether or not you manage your paid search campaign internally or through an ad agency, one of the hottest topics for debate is what approach should be taken in regards to brand keywords. One of the most common questions from marketers is, “Why would I want to pay for traffic from brand keywords when I rank high organically for these terms?”. In order to help answer this question, below are four reasons to include brand and trademark keywords in your paid search campaign Read More
Flowtown, a company that offers businesses a social media platform for engaging consumers across the internet, and NetProspex combined forces to create a list of the top 50 most social companies in the US. The list, named “NetProspex Social 50”, was developed by looking at the social network usages of employees and ranking the top companies by overal social media activity. The score is based on the average number of friends/connections across the major social networking sites and the average number of tweets, user following and followers per employee Read More

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