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Today, I get this email, it's addressed to undisclosed recipients, which is really email-speak for Dear Occupant or Current Resident.  Here's the text of Read More
We need to understand how our customer arrived at their current understanding of their needs and perceptions of our solutions. Read More
But it's strange--in those thousands of conversations, there are a very large number where the people really don't want to be selling--they want the result, but they don't want to go through all the tough work to get the result. Read More
Most competitive sales situations are very difficult, the margin of difference between the winner and everyone else is often very small---possibly small differences in the capabilities of the solutions, negligible differences in the reputations of alternative vendors, and probably small difference Read More
Actually sales intelligence is critical, there's an interesting conversation about this at, you should weigh in with your views. I think too many people get sales intelligence wrong--too many focus on the data. Effective sales intelligence is really about the questions---it's about the in Read More
Transitioning from the role of individual contributor to a freshly minted New Manager is fraught with opportunities to make mistakes. In this article, I just want to focus on three things, I've seen happen to new managers too often: Read More
The first 90 days in any job is critical to your success. What you accomplish in your first 90 days sets the pattern for you and the organization over a much longer period. Everyone knows this, unfortunately, too many squander the opportunity to have their greatest impact by acting too soon. Read More
There's an interesting phenomena that happens with too many newly appointed managers-regardless their level of management, they immediately want to make their mark on the organization, they want to make changes, just to be making changes. I see this with many experienced managers moving into new ma Read More
All of us are time poor--everyone has more to do than there are hours in the day. One of the greatest signs of respect, for our people, for our customers, for ourselves, is how we value time. Read More
It’s that time of year, everyone’s focused on getting the second quarter done. The year’s half way over, managers are reviewing deals and forecasts. We’re doing all we can to get deals closed, to finish the first half on or above target. Read More

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