These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I was reading Rebel Brown's great post:  Accentuate The Positive.  It focuses on positive messages and approaches in sales and marketing.  She raised an Read More
I was reading a blog post the other day, it posed the question:  What's the worst objection?  There were a lot of interesting responses and amusing war Read More
Sometimes we hire as if it’s enough that the person we hire can do the job for which we are hiring them. Rarely is this ever true. Read More
The salesperson’s skills, their attributes, and their beliefs must be considered; they are what we need. But what we need often crowds out one of the most important constituencies we should be considering: our prospective clients. Read More
I received an intriguing invitation to “connect” today. Best described, I was asked to connect with a “Thing,” Not a person. This thing had a relatively normal first name, but then a very gimmicky “phrase” as a last name. Read More
The primary reason management exists is to manage performance within their organizations. We put in place strategies, programs, processes, tools, metrics, incentives to optimize performance. We make sure we hire the right people and train them to maximize performance. A key element of managing p Read More
I love lazy sales people! Actually, let me clarify, I love lazy sales people who consistently achieve their goals and objectives. Every organization has one or two of them, we know how to recognize them. They're the folks that never seem to be in a hurry, they seem to have time on their hands. Read More
We tend to think of sales coaching as being a tool used only for individual development. When we assemble the sales team, it is usually to have a meeting so that we can transfer information in one direction (from us to them), conduct training (us to them, again), or to collect reports (them to us). Read More
I was interested in reading the Harvard Business Review post, The Dirty Secret Of Effective Sales Coaching. It's an interesting article with many good point and you should read it. Read More
It's hard to practice what we preach.  In honesty, sometimes, I want to just tell people to do as I say, not as I do. It's so easy and seductive to fall Read More

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