These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

In my opinion, content marketing is what propels your SEO campaign forward. Onsite SEO and traditional link building are still incredibly important, but without a strong content marketing campaign chances are your SEO will stagnant in time. Finding new content marketing opportunities is key to keep Read More
If you just launched a website or are looking to start a new online marketing campaign for an existing website in order to improve its visibility, you’ve probably been hearing about search engine optimization (or SEO). SEO is an extremely important online marketing tactic that improves search engin Read More
One of the best ways to build links to your site is to participate in content marketing. After all, content based links are very valuable. As long as the content is good it will get noticed by the search engine spiders and target audience members. When speaking to anyone in the SEO industry about b Read More
In my experience, the best SEO vendor-client relationships are the ones where the site owner treats their SEO company like a partner, and not just a service provider. And being partners with someone means doing your part! Your SEO partner is there to offer expertise, knowledge, advice and guidance Read More
Link building has always been an important part of SEO, but the quality of those links came into focus with the Google Penguin update. Penguin set out to target sites that had “unnatural links” pointing to it and these sites were then penalized. Link building is a time consuming process, but really Read More
A few days ago Brick Marketing received an SEO RFP from a big public company and I have to admit I was a little proud! The fact that we even made it on this company’s radar is a sign that we’re going about things the right way with regards to our own marketing efforts. However, sometimes I wonder i Read More
Recently Mashable published an interesting article about content marketing and how it has evolved over the past decade. They compared content that people shared with how high the content ranked in the search results. Back in 2002, there was a small overlap of these two areas. Fast forward ten years Read More
A website redesign can be a huge undertaking and typically many parties get involved in the process. One important party to keep in the loop from the start is your SEO firm and if you don’t have an SEO firm, this might be a good time to get some guidance from an SEO consultant. It’s important to pr Read More
When it comes to SEO it’s important to remember that the search engines look at all aspects of your website when determining rank. A website may look beautiful and be easy to navigate, which is important from a user perspective, but what’s going on on the outside of the site doesn’t always accurate Read More
Every industry has its experts/gurus/mavens/mavericks/godfathers/ninjas—these are the men and women that have been around the longest and know your niche inside and out; they are always one step ahead of the curve, or have revolutionized your industry in one way or another. When these people talk t Read More

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