These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

When developing any kind of business or marketing plan it’s always important to consider the competition. If you are entering a market that has lots of established players, you are going to have to do one of two things. The first option is to provide something that is exemplary that will allow you Read More
A lot of site owners got into some trouble thanks to the Google Penguin update that went live in early 2012. The update went after sites there were guilty of web spam tactics like overuse of exact match anchor text, low-quality link building, link schemes and more. Getting nailed with a search engi Read More
Search Engine Optimization firm, Brick Marketing announces full-day New York City SEO Training Classes in New York, New York. Developed especially for business owners and marketing professionals, the New York City SEO Training Classes are designed to give attendees a comprehensive overview of white Read More
When a company decides that it wants to improve its website visibility in the search engines it has a couple of options. A larger corporation that has the budget to do so may consider hiring an in house SEO Specialist. Since that isn’t an option for many businesses, alternate options are to have cu Read More
Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing firm, Brick Marketing announces full-day SEO Training Classes in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Las Vegas SEO Training Classes were developed to teach business owners and marketing professionals in the Las Vegas Area white hat Search Engine Optimization bes Read More
Most of the attention in the social media world is paid to Facebook and Twitter while other sites like Google+ and Pinterest continue to gain popularity. It seems like LinkedIn tends to get lost in the shuffle and only comes up in conversations when people are looking for a job or looking to recrui Read More
We get a lot of phone calls from people looking for “SEO packages.” They want to know right off the bat what they will be getting for SEO services and how much it will cost. The truth is it is very hard to package SEO services into bundles. If presented with a Gold, Silver, and Platinum package, mo Read More
Link exchanges (“You link to me and I link to you”) are strictly banned by Google as a link scheme. A link scheme is “Any links intended to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results.” Well that means any link is a link scheme, right? Isn’t the whole point of link building to improve your Read More
As a part of its effort to be more transparent about its practices, Google has been sending out a notification to webmasters alerting them when unnatural links are detected. The notice itself serves as an FYI and doesn’t necessarily mean that a penalty has occurred (yet). The only way to really kno Read More
If you want to stick to a white hat link building strategy it’s important that you diversify your link sources as much as possible. Relying too heavily on one form of link building leaves your website in a vulnerable position—what if that link building tactic becomes classified as web spam and 65% Read More

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