These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

One of our employees was at a recent SEO roundtable discussion where an inquiring mind asked “how do you find the best SEO company?” Another member of the discussion replied by saying “look at the company’s SEO. It’s like hiring a personal trainer; you would want to look for someone who was in good Read More
SEO is a long term process. It takes time to see results from efforts, but as long as you did a good job of optimizing your site and are regularly building links and keeping active in social media you should begin to see an improvement. What many businesses make the mistake of doing is putting too Read More
Recently I had the chance to interview Viktar Khamianok, the creator of the SEO software SEO PowerSuite and There are plenty of SEO software products that do one thing really well, but SEO PowerSuite was designed to give site owners all the tools they needed to create, execute a Read More
The SEO process involves multiple steps and for the best results it’s important to take them one by one and dedicate ample time to each. You shouldn’t rush the SEO process and you also shouldn’t jump around from one thing to the next without completing the prior step. SEO involves two phases. The f Read More
Every single page of your website needs to be optimized for SEO, including those deep internal pages. One very important thing to remember about onsite SEO is that the search engines rank individual pages, not the website as a whole. This means that each page (in theory anyway) has a good chance of Read More
Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing firm, Brick Marketing announces full-day SEO Training Classes in Atlanta, Georgia. The SEO Training Classes are designed to teach business owners and marketing professionals in and around Atlanta, white hat Search Engine Optimization best practices Read More
For SEO purposes it’s important to build inbound links to your site. These links are what convey trust to the search engines and improve your search engine visibility and rank over time. To really be successful with link building though, you can’t be the only one that is sharing or posting links to Read More
I know that some site owners are strapped for budget and can’t afford to invest in a full service SEO firm. Unfortunately it means they are stuck between a rock and a hard place—they know they need SEO but aren’t sure how to go about doing it on their own, but they also don’t have the budget to hir Read More
One of the first questions that prospects often ask during the sales process about our SEO services is, “So when can I be on the first page of Google?” While it seems like a fair question to ask an SEO firm, the response that we give is always the same. We cannot promise that kind of result from ou Read More
Choosing the right keywords is essential for long term SEO success. The keywords you target on your site will determine what searches your site will be pulled into the SERPs for and what kind of searcher will find your site. Read More

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