These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Let’s say you own a clothing company that specializes in hiking apparel for women—hiking boots, backpacks, thermal layers, etc. There are probably thousands of different spins you could take about hiking apparel for a company blog. You could write blog posts about what to wear depending on the weat Read More
The number one thing that any online marketing professional will tell you that you need to be doing to succeed online is to be creating, publishing, and sharing content on a regular basis. If your business is smart you’ve gotten the hint and have started writing for a company blog and submitting ar Read More
Even though social media has been used for business for years now, many businesses still aren’t quite sure how to properly leverage it. It often goes back to their beginnings in social media. There was lots of pressure to get involved so business owners jumped in and figured that they’d “learn as t Read More
While I applaud site owners that want to get their SEO off on the right foot and outsource it to an SEO provider right away, I firmly believe it’s imperative that all site owners learn the basics of SEO for themselves BEFORE outsourcing your SEO. You don’t have to become an expert, but you need to Read More
*Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to be negative about firms in India, but rather to share the pros and cons of outsourcing SEO work to India or any other location that isn’t within the U.S.

When looking for an SEO firm, a business has many options. There are hundreds, if not thousand Read More
A few weeks ago I was walking a site owner and his team through an SEO audit of his site and was explaining the importance of building a strong and diverse link portfolio, especially since Google’s Penguin update was designed to target “unnatural links.” When I was just about ready to move on to th Read More
Among other things, Google’s Penguin update went after sites that didn’t diversify their anchor text list. This meant the majority of the inbound links to their site were using the same anchor text phrases time and time again (like if 70% of the links pointing to this site said “SEO blog.”) It’s ve Read More
There is so much content out there on the web that it can be very difficult to get yours noticed. You may be writing high quality posts on a regular basis, but so is everybody else. Well, maybe not everybody else, but it’s doubtful that you are the only one doing so within your niche. If you are sp Read More
In a perfect world, an enterprise SEO campaign would be integrated completely into every aspect of their business, especially so within the multiple factions of the company’ marketing department. However, many enterprises function more like a connected series of separate entities as opposed to one Read More
Before you dive headfirst into your SEO campaign (and I applaud your enthusiasm!) there are a few pre-SEO questions that need to be answered so you make sure aren’t diving into the shallow end!

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