These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Does your business exist solely online? Maybe you run an e-commerce website, own an online registration software company or work in online education—whatever you may do, your whole business exists on the Internet. You may or may not have a physical office (maybe all your employees telecommute), but Read More
Linking is an essential part of website development and of SEO. Internal links from one page to the next of your site help for website usability purposes. If you reference a product or service that you offer on a different page, link to that product or service page making the experience seamless fo Read More
The first thing that your business will need to decide is whether SEO will be handled in house or outsourced. Perhaps the most important factor in making this decision is the kind of resources that you have available to you. For a small business, it may not be possible to hire an SEO firm. That doe Read More
Just the other day I was speaking with a website owner that wanted to know how I was going to guarantee that his site would be in the top 10 in Google within six months of launching an SEO campaign. He said he was willing to pay whatever it cost to make it happen, but he wanted that guarantee that Read More
Search engine optimization, like any other marketing strategy (online or off) needs to be planned for. SEO can be quite an undertaking if you do it properly. It takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to execute a worthwhile campaign. If you are going to invest in SEO, the first step is to have Read More
White hat, black hat, consultants, experts, in-house, outsource, full-service, part-time—there are plenty of ways to go about your SEO campaign. But sometimes the best thing to do ISN’T to bring in a third party SEO vendor; it’s to invest in your own knowledge with a little SEO training. Read More
EO is a complicated process that is only getting more complex by the day. The businesses (and their websites) that have the most SEO success are the ones that take the time to learn best practice and base their decisions on data. Luckily for anyone practicing SEO, there are plenty of tools out ther Read More
At the foundation of an SEO campaign are the keywords that are selected. Selected keywords are incorporated into every piece of content that is produced on behalf of an SEO campaign and an overall online marketing campaign. It starts with the content on the actual business website, but that is just Read More
It’s important that you get your search engine visibility for branded keywords at as close to 100% of the top ten results as possible. After all, this is your brand we are talking about! You want to control/own as much of the content that ranks for branded keywords as possible. Every time someone s Read More
It’s important to keep your website current and looking “fresh”. If your website looks like it was designed back in the days of dial up Internet, people will assume that your business is outdated too. When it comes to your website, looks count. Best practice is to redesign your website every 5 year Read More

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