These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

One of the most important things to understand about business blogging is that it can be a challenging endeavor. It takes time to brainstorm a post topic idea, research the topic, write a post, edit a post, publish a post, and then monitor the post once it’s gone live. All of that may seem like eno Read More
Content is considered to be King for a reason. Consumers are looking for as much information about a product/service/business/brand before making a decision as possible, especially in the B2B sector where the decisions that are made can affect a large number of people within the organization. The c Read More
Even if you’ve outsourced your SEO, business and website owners are still partially responsible for the long term success of their SEO campaign. While a white hat SEO provider is going to do everything in their power to help your website succeed, they can’t do their job with one hand tied behind th Read More
Prior to the Google Penguin update, people were a little more reckless with their link building. If they could drop a link on a site and include anchor text, they’d do it. Once Google cracked down on this practice, the game has been somewhat different. The focus is now on building a natural link po Read More
If you think about it, SEO requires a significant amount of investigating. You need to spend time researching the right keywords, checking out what the competition is doing online, and continually be on the lookout for new link building opportunities. If you’re just getting started with SEO and hav Read More
Measuring SEO results is crucial. Not only does it help you justify your efforts to management (or just yourself if you’re the business owner), it also lets you know if your SEO is on the right track or not. Keep in mind that SEO is a long term process so you need to give your campaign a few months Read More
Deciding to hire an SEO service provider is a major business decision, and it’s important that you make sure you are working with the best one for your company. There are a lot of black hat spammers out there looking to take advantage of business owners that don’t know better, but sometimes it’s th Read More
I was speaking with a new client the other day about their former SEO efforts. Their previous SEO firm had outlined in their contract exactly which ten keywords (10?!) they would target on the site and include the content marketing efforts. This client owns a local business so most of their keyword Read More
Website owners can easily become obsessed with the traffic data of their website, checking to see if the number of visitors goes up on a daily basis. If the visitor count is high, that’s great right? Well, it could be. It all depends on whether or not it is the right traffic. The metric that is mor Read More
In my opinion, any full service SEO campaign should be broken into two parts: on page SEO and offsite link building. Whenever I’m working with a new client I always start with on page SEO first which includes keyword research, content optimization, high level SEO recommendations to the site structu Read More

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