These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Every site needs to undergo a technical SEO audit from time to time. Obviously if you’ve suffered a penalty it’s imperative your dig through every corner of your site to determine what went wrong, but it’s also worth doing BEFORE you get hit with a penalty so you can take preventative action to pro Read More
Best practice dictates that you can target 2-5 keywords per page during your onsite SEO process. But what happens to all those keywords during the offsite link building and content marketing campaigns? While some site owners might think sticking to the same short list of priority keywords is the be Read More
Quality content is perhaps the biggest indicator of SEO success. As more website owners catch on to this fact, guest blogging has seen a boom in popularity for link building purposes and also to help build brand visibility across the web. Guest blogging provides an opportunity to get noticed not on Read More
Search engine optimization is an important part of the online marketing equation. People turn to the search engines to find information on just about everything. If you can’t be found in a search result, you are missing out on loads of new business opportunities. SEO used to be a phrase that was on Read More
Among other signals, Google uses links to help determine your site’s trust value and SERP ranking. Since Google has the ability to crawl the entire web as needed, the search giant knows exactly how many links a website has, where they are coming from, what other sites those sources link to, what “n Read More
SEO has evolved a great deal within the last few years. It’s no longer a technical function of website development and the individuals/businesses that succeed at SEO are the ones that understand marketing and consumer behavior. The search engines now favor websites that provide visitors with great Read More
Google recently announced that they would be taking their mission of personalizing search results one step further by including your email information from Gmail in search results.

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Google has thrown some major bombs at the world of SEO in the past year. When the Panda and Penguin updates a lot of websites found themselves on the wrong side of the search giant’s line in the sand. In my opinion and experience, black hat SEO tactics almost always catch up with a site sooner or l Read More
Business and website owners today understand the importance of SEO but can often become frustrated with the process. Unlike other marketing efforts that can yield quick results, SEO is built for the long term and the process itself isn’t something that can be done overnight or in a matter of a few Read More
Hint—it’s not! Most marketers struggle with content creation. Either they don’t have the time, they think their niche is too boring, or they don’t know what to say to make their company stand out. But I’m living proof that content creation isn’t nearly as hard as you think it is! I run a small comp Read More

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