These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

A search engine optimization strategy, if implemented correctly, will help to generate targeted traffic to a website. Traffic is great, but what you ultimately want is website conversions. Once SEO and other online marketing efforts get a visitor to the site, it’s the content on the site that will Read More
According to the Google Webmaster Guidelines, doorway pages “…are typically large sets of poor-quality pages where each page is optimized for a specific keyword or phrase…doorway pages are written to rank for a particular phrase and then funnel users to a single destination.” A doorway page might e Read More
The SEO industry exists mostly because of Google. Whether we SEO professionals love or love to hate the search behemoth, we all have jobs because of Google. Even whispers and rumors of an algorithm update can have a major impact in the SEO world, because the way we do our jobs is directly influence Read More
A link audit is a rather tedious task to complete, but it’s worth the time and effort because it provides you with great insights about your link portfolio and how your website is viewed by the search engines. In order to conduct a link audit, you will need to use a tool like Link Diagnosis that wi Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( ) explains how the search engines are using social signals to impact a site’s position in the SERP. It’s time to ramp up your social media efforts and fully integrate your social media marketing campaign with the rest of your Internet marketing. Read More
Obviously, Google is the king of search. Sure, Bing has made impressive strides and some people will never stray from Yahoo! but when it comes to search, Google is where it’s at and has by far the largest share of the search market. Google is so much more than a search engine and has become a part Read More
If you are looking to improve upon online marketing efforts and build up your online presence, one of the best ways to do so is to start blogging. A B2B blog has many benefits. It’s a way to connect with target audience members and provide them with helpful and useful information that establishes y Read More
How many visitors a month is good for my website? This is actually a question I get asked fairly frequently from our SEO clients, especially when we are just beginning their SEO campaign. In my professional opinion, visitor growth is the best metric for SEO success, so I can understand why a site o Read More
I find the fact that Google will still pass the data along provided someone clicks on a PPC ad (which the advertiser is paying for!) and not from the organic listings to be a double standard. If Google is so committed to making search more secure, shouldn’t they be encrypting the data from all sour Read More
It’s impossible to discuss online marketing today without mentioning social media. Social media networking sites are where the people are. The numbers don’t lie. The most popular social networking sites have millions of users. Clearly, that’s where you want your brand to be as well. In addition, so Read More

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