These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

As part of the on site optimization phase of an SEO campaign, it’s best practice to write well optimized meta tags that include targeted keywords. Perhaps the most important of the meta tag elements is the title tag. Why? For a few reasons. First, unlike other meta elements (like the meta keyword e Read More
A few weeks ago I got a voice mail message from a representative at Profile Magazine. He said that Profile Magazine was interested in writing a feature article about Brick Marketing and that the first step was a 10-15 minute preliminary interview to learn a little bit more about me and the company. Read More
This is a little rant type venting post for fellow SEO professionals. I recently wrote a blog post at the Search Engine Journal about my favorite worst SEO leads, this is an expansion on this topic a bit.

The following is a list of recommendations for people looking for an SEO firm of things NOT Read More
After doing industry, competitor, and keyword research the first phase of an SEO campaign is the on-site optimization phase. This is the process of making changes to your actual website that will attract both search engine spiders and target audience members. A website that is properly optimized fo Read More
Brand new websites that are just beginning their SEO campaigns should undoubtedly begin with onsite SEO, the first step of which is keyword research. The keywords you choose (based on the content of your site) will ultimately help determine what search phrases your site rank for and what kind of se Read More
B2B marketers understand the importance of a content marketing strategy. Potential prospects want to learn about a company and its history, products, and practices before doing business with it. Since it’s better for target audience members to learn about your business from you, rather than elsewhe Read More
Nick Stamoulis explains that online video marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. A great link building tool, video marketing gives your brand the opportunity to showcase your company, employees and products in a new way. It doesn’t have to be commercial quality to contain quality in Read More
As a business owner, I have often wondered if I was giving away too much free content. In addition to this blog, I also write the Search Engine Optimization Journal, publish an SEO newsletter multiple times a week, create a new SEO video lesson every Monday and contribute to numerous industry sites Read More
When undergoing the keyword selection process of onsite optimization, I find many site owners are often hesitant to incorporate the long-tail keywords that I am recommending that build into their content. They often ask “Why would I want to target a keyword that only gets 300 searches a month? This Read More
If people are looking for a local business these days, they don’t turn to the Yellow Pages. They head for the search engines and type in the service, product, or kind of establishment that they are looking for in addition to the location that they are in. While the search engines continue to improv Read More

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